Chapter 113 Suanni

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Wei Ying stood in front of the huge creature and waited for the mandatory lick that both he and Lan Zhan had, every morning and evening before Suanni rested.

He held Lan Zhan's hand trying to make it better for him, not missing that look in his eyes, the one that briefly showed his dislike of this affection, and as a result, it inspired a question in Wei Ying’s mind, something to be asked later when they were alone.

Wei Ying had been chatting with Hui Gai earlier and they both were staring at the humongous beast.

"Why is he still here?" Hui Gai had remarked.

"Dunno. D'you think he's run out of celestial things to do?" Wei Ying had grinned as if that was a possibility.

"I think he's staying because you're here." Hui Gai had noted with a satisfied smile.


"In case you were wondering. In the beginning, he just thought you were cute...but now it's bordering on love." Hui Gai mock-sighed.

Wei Ying smacked his arm lightly. "If my husband hears you saying things like that..."

Well, of course, that wiped the satisfied smile off his face as he furtively looked around.

"Do you know, he actually hugged me?" Hui Gai whispered.

"No way! My Lan Zhan? Hugged you? By himself? When?" Wei Ying demanded.

"When we were looking for you...after you were taken to the tenth level."

"Ah...well I don't think we should blame him for that one." Wei Ying sobered.

He and Lan Zhan hadn't really gotten to talking about that, or anything much else lately. Their days were filled with looking after the children, something Rumi had roped him into doing one day, while Wei Ying wandered about the Palace and generally helped Hui Gai out with suggestions and problem solving. Time seemed to pass by so quickly that before he knew it, Wei Ying would be yawning and be whisked away to sleep.

"I really miss Cloud Recesses..." Wei Ying found himself saying absentmindedly.

An arm stole around his waist, pulling him back against a familiar chest. He leaned up and kissed his husband's cheek fondly.

"How did you escape from Rumi?" He asked, a twinkle in his silver eyes.

"Hide and seek." Lan Zhan replied with a straight face.

"No! Really? That's so mean! Are they looking for you or are you supposed to be looking for them?" Wei Ying looked so aghast, that Lan Zhan was suitably chastised.

"Will go back in an hour." He said, finally, not making eye contact.

"Than-...I love you." Wei Ying went to kiss his cheek again and Lan Zhan turned his face just then, so their lips met instead.

Behind them, naughty demons began caterwalling and shrieking with wolf whistles, until Hui Gai glared at them. He looked down until the kiss was finished.

Suanni harrumphed and opened a lazy eye.

"Young Master, you can go back whenever you like. As Celestial Immortals, it is part of your gifts." He said to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan.

"What? Really? We can teleport?" Wei Ying’s eyes were as big as saucers.

"Your powers are only as limited as your minds. Try it out." Suanni encouraged. His face always looked as if he was in between a smile and a scowl, but at least his voice had a smiling tone now.

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