Chapter 115 Explanations

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They watched as the wind picked up and the petals scattered away as if it never happened. All that was left was the lingering sweet scent perfuming the air.

Jiang Cheng stomped off, and Wei Ying would have followed but his hand was held by an unmoving Lan Zhan. He turned around, looking into golden eyes filled with pain and fear.

Wei Ying gasped and threw his arms around the Jade, holding him tight. Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around this precious man, unwilling to let him go.

"I know this is a lot to ask, I know you want me to explain." Wei Ying whispered right next to his ear. "But do you trust me?"


"Then Lan Zhan, I promise you, I swear I will explain everything to you...but not now. It's not the right time." His lips found a warm cheek. "You know I love you. I only need you."

Lan Zhan didn't answer, only held him tighter, as if by holding onto him, he could keep him here forever.

"My love...I promise you, I will never leave you."

Lan Zhan bit him then.

"Ow...why did you do that?" But he shivered when the warm tongue soothed the bite.

"Whenever you say that, you end up leaving. Every time." There was a bite in his words too.


"Not out of choice...never, never out of choice."

"I know." His voice sounded resigned.

The anger had passed...leaving only sadness and fear.

Wei Ying held his face tenderly and kissed him sweetly, pouring all of his love into the meeting of their lips, a desperate need to be understood and for forgiveness, a need for blind faith, a need to reinforce their love. It seemed to wake a dormant hunger in Lan Zhan and his kisses became bruising, a fight for dominance...

But Wei Ying was a free spirit, a rider on the winds of change, flying wherever his whims took him. And Lan Zhan knew that better than anyone else. To keep him tied down to a single place meant subduing his indomitable spirit and Lan Zhan could never do that to him. His only choice was to follow wherever Wei Ying led him, so long as they were together.

"I thought you said you were going to visit Uncle." Jiang Cheng shouted, clearly fed up with both of them.

He was standing on the doorstep of the recently opened home of Uncle Qiren, frowning at both of them.

First chance he got, Lan Zhan thought, flexing his fingers.

The problem was, Wei Ying thought, he had made promises and he had broken them. Call it circumstances, call it fate, they were unavoidable excuses, reasons to justify what had happened. In the end, it was a black and white truth; Wei Ying couldn’t keep his promises.

Lan Zhan was right to feel angry. Wei Ying reached for his hand, needing a connection.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, as they walked the few steps left to reach the threshold where Jiang Cheng was waiting.

"No." Lan Zhan told him honestly, but he felt bad when Wei Ying stopped walking, looking at him full of regret. "I will be...later." He added.

Wei Ying needed him, and needed him to be strong right now. So he tried to smile.

"We are definitely talking about this later." Wei Ying told him.


It was too late to talk any more about their personal issues now, because they had entered and Uncle Qiren was scrutinising them with his owlish gaze.

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