Chapter 18 Secrets

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Wei Ying waited for his brother to calm down, and patted the hands around his own waist.

"Just listen to me. That's all I'm asking for." He began.

"EVERY TIME YOU SAY THAT, YOU-" Jiang Cheng suddenly couldn't talk.

He glared first at Wei Ying, and then as he understood what had happened to him, he refocused his rage on Lan Zhan, who pointedly ignored him.

"Continue." He said, to Wei Ying, who smiled gratefully back at him.

"Wangji." There was gentle admonishment in the single name.

"He has broken rules." Lan Zhan replied, not looking at either his brother or the Purple Jade.

"What if he promises not to speak?" XiChen encouraged.

"Then it makes no difference. He can wait. Please continue." Lan Zhan continued speaking to his husband.

Wei Ying knew there was no arguing with Lan Zhan in his current mood.

So he pulled out another pouch.

"When we were leaving, Bai Hua gave us this. She said to be careful because her place was warded so it was safe to touch this. But here, I'm not sure."

"What is it?" XiChen inquired.

"A black shard of...of...something I don't know. However, when she did, I don't know why, but I thought of Uncle Qiren and then...and then she told me to ask him."

"What?" XiChen looked quite perplexed. "What does Uncle have to do with this?"

"I don't know." Wei Ying tried to get up, but arms of steel held him down. "Lan Zhan?"

"We can call him here." Lan Zhan told him firmly.

"What if we both go?" Wei Ying negotiated. "After all, he's an elder and it's kind of disrespectful."


"Didi, let me go and fetch him." XiChen offered and left.

"I know how you feel." Wei Ying told Lan Zhan. "But everyone makes mistakes. We shouldn't hold it against them."

Lan Zhan did not look away, but he didn't agree, either.

Wei Ying sighed, and tipped the pouch upside down so the contents spilled out.

It could only be explained as a shard. Blacker than black, an aura of dark energy radiated from it. Uneven facets covered the long shape, seemingly random in nature but definitely on purpose.

Uncle Qiren walked into the library just then, stroking his beard. But the moment his eyes landed on the foreign object, he paled and stumbled back, and it was lucky XiChen was right behind him to catch him.

" did you find t-that?" He stuttered before his eyes rolled back into his skull.

"Uncle!" Wei Ying shouted, wrenching out of Lan Zhan's grip, and running towards him.

XiChen was already picking him up to rush him to the healers.

"What happened to him?" Wei Ying followed after him.

Lan Zhan looked at Jiang Cheng, who was staring at the black shard thoughtfully.

"Uncle knows something." He stated, flatly.

"Mn." Lan Zhan used spiritual energy to suppress the shard and coaxed it back into the warded pouch without having to touch it.

Together, they left for the infirmary.


Uncle Qiren remained unconscious for the rest of the day. Wei Ying refused to leave his side, only when XiChen promised not to, did he leave to go back to the Jingshi with Lan Zhan.

Tired, he leant his arms on the table in front of him and rested his head on them. Lan Zhan sat down beside him, rubbing his back gently.

"I didn't know..."

"Not your fault. Wei Ying is not to blame." Lan Zhan insisted.

"But Lan Zhan, how can you not blame me? I pulled it out-" He suddenly shot up, ready to run to the library.

"I have secured it." Lan Zhan told him, holding him down.

Wei Ying slumped against him.

"Today has just been one thing after another." He smiled ruefully. "Can you...please can you play for me?" He went to move away, but Lan Zhan held him place, kissing his temple and summoning Wangji with his other hand.

"But Lan Zhan...isn't it uncomfortable? I'm in the way..." he tried to protest.

"Never. This is the best way." Lan Zhan hugged him closer once, just to get his message across.

He began to play, softly.

Wei Ying turned around within the safety of his arms to watch.

Strong elegant fingers strummed the cords, the notes caressing his skin as they washed over him. Calming, soothing, easing away his worries, until he was left with only peace.

He struggled to stay awake and only stirred when he was picked up. They fell asleep together as always, comforted by each other.


The next morning, a disciple interrupted their breakfast.

"Lan Qiren is awake now and asking for you. He also said to bring this with you." The disciple told them what and where it was.

"Why would Uncle hide that? For what reason?" Wei Ying asked his husband.

"We can go and ask him directly. First finish eating. Then, only." Lan Zhan insisted.

Wei Ying smiled back.

"You're absolutely right."

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