Chapter 63 Courage

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Oge looked around their home inside the necklace and sighed.

It was a deep sigh.

Not the kind of sigh you sighed because you were tired or bored. No...this sigh was full of longing.

Their home seemed emptier, larger somehow. It would have made her laugh but all she wanted to do was cry. It didn't help that Klem had just started trying to form words, and she kept repeating "Baba....Baba".

That wasn't all. Klem would keep looking around as if she was searching for something.

Or someone.

Three days had passed and Oge was filled with an explicable worry. It began with random goosebumps and a general sense of unease. Progressing to the inability to sit still, and now she was drowning in memories.

The first time she saw Hui Gai.

The way he looked, holding her baby.

The way he looked at her.

The way Klem looked at him.

He had promised her safety.

And she was safe.

But was it enough?

She was afraid of the answer.

What if Hui Gai never came back?

Could she live with herself, knowing she hadn't done a single thing to help him?

Without a doubt, she understood that regret would be the sharpest knife imbedded into her heart of hearts. A painful reminder of her failings. And if Klem ever asked her about her father, for Hui Gai was that and more, what answer would she give? Would Klem be disappointed in her answers? Or the reasons behind them?

Cowardice was a bitter, ugly pill to swallow.

There was only one person who could help her now. Oge grabbed the cloth that Hui Gai had shown her how to tie around Klem and herself, and securing it with a reliable knot, she vanished from their home.


Li XiWang was looking around the Jingshi.

After her first night of tossing and turning in her own bed, she had taken to sleeping in her parents' one. The pillows still smelled of lotus flowers and sandalwood, and that second night was a wonderful rest. On the third night, her mind decided to throw every possible scenario to her wildest imagination, and as a result, she was a shaking mess of nerves when Oge appeared.

Li XiWang saw the baby Klem asleep on her back, and too emotional to think about what she was doing, she threw herself at the demoness, seeking anything familiar.

Oge didn't know what to do, but her arms came around the child naturally, holding her close.

"I haven't been able to sleep." The child cried.

"Neither have I." Oge admitted.

"I've lost my appetite."


"I miss them so much!" Li XiWang bawled.

Oge desperately wanted to cry with her, but she took deep breaths instead, willing the tears back. She hummed a song from memory, a time long gone when babies felt safe in their mother's arms. Cocooned in a bubble of love and warmth, this song gave her hope.

"I want to go find them." The little girl whispered.

"So do I." Oge replied, miserably.

Her tiny body racked with shudders wouldn't stop trembling, but she leaned back, red eyes puffy and swollen.

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