Chapter 37 Conundrums

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Lan Zhan had a few papers to sign and Wei Ying was accompanying him because who could resist a request from the second Jade, especially when he received five kisses as a reward?

So slowly, they walked at a leisurely pace, holding hands which Wei Ying could not resist swinging. His mood was bright and happy, he felt like dancing. The sun was shining, a rarity just before winter, washing everything in its light a brighter colour, livelier than when it was absent.

XiChen was reading with a sleeping Li Li in his arms, and he smiled when he saw who had entered his office.

"Jiang Cheng?" Wei Ying whispered, mindful of the slumbering child.

"Had to go back to Lotus Pier. He'll be back tomorrow morning." XiChen whispered back. "And that reminds me, have you heard from Nie Huaisang? I sent him a message yesterday, and usually he responds quite quickly. But I've heard nothing back from him, as yet."

Wei Ying shook his head.

"I don't really keep a contact with him...only if something comes up. It's’s not like before." He forced a smile.

"Ah. I just wondered. You seemed close in the past. Nevermind, it's fine." He added hurriedly, noting the frown increasing on his brother’s face.

"He's not one to ignore messages, least of all from a clan leader, and especially not you, XiChen-Ge." Wei Ying reassured him. "He might just be busy."

"I'm sorry, you're right." XiChen smiled.

Wei Ying wandered around the room, restless and unable to sit still, while Lan Zhan finished the countless little tasks so essential for keeping the clan business running smoothly.

Lan Zhan thought he was distracted, but decided to give him some time before he actually asked what was bothering him. He signed and filed papers, and they bowed before leaving a content-looking XiChen.

"Bunnies?" Lan Zhan asked hopefully, and he smiled when Wei Ying agreed.

The day was spent relaxing among the fluffballs, feeding them their favourite sweetcorn and carrots. Lan Zhan felt happy too, because here, Wei Ying seemed to relax completely. He lay down among them and the bunnies flocked to the warmth of his body, and warming him in return. He even fell asleep there.

SiZhui came later on, and smiled when he saw the prone body. He sat down next to Lan Zhan, scattering his stash of lettuce among the still hungry rabbits.

"Is father alright?" He asked, keeping his voice low.

"Think so, but he was distracted today." Lan Zhan replied, in the same low tone.

"Is he sleeping normally now?"

Lan Zhan looked at the concern etched on the worried face of his son, and then he smiled.

"You are a good son, SiZhui. If he had any trouble sleeping, he will not say. Does not want us to worry."

"Maybe he has much on his mind." SiZhui patted his hand.

"Mn. He is worried about finding the door to the Nether world."

SiZhui was just about to ask another question, when the body next to them stretched loudly, yawning.

Wei Ying sat up, blinking and not quite focused, until he saw his son. Then he jumped up and hugged the boy enthusiastically.

"Visiting, SiZhui?" He asked. "I missed you. So did Lan Zhan." He added, smiling cheekily at his husband.


"Jin Ling went to Lotus Pier so I thought I'd come here instead, see how things are." He grinned too. "I've missed you both, and my sister, really."

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