Chapter 47 Courage

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Wei Ying hated himself right now.

He clutched Lan Zhan's hand in what must have been too tight a grip, but the Jade did not complain, merely covered both their hands with his.

"It will be fine."


"She'll understand."


"I hope she doesn't cry...or anything..."


"I hope I don't cry."

"Mn." But Lan Zhan smiled at him for that.

The door of the Jingshi opened and Li XiWang entered.

"Hello, little rabbit!" Wei Ying held open his arms and she came willingly.

"Hello fathers." She hugged both of them and kissed their cheeks.

Wei Ying sat her in between himself and Lan Zhan, stroking her hair.

In a way, this was for him too.

"There's no easy way to say this." He began, watching how her big burgandy eyes watched him owlishly.

She held his hand as if to give him courage, but it just made him feel worse.

"We have six keys in total. You know where we're going, right?"

"The Nether world."

Her voice cracked, but Wei Ying had to give it to her, she did not cry. With her other hand, she took Lan Zhan's hand so now, she was connected to both of them.

"It might be dangerous."

"I know. And I know you're doing this for me, but you have to know, I'm not asking you to." She sounded remarkably older than her ten years. "I would rather you stayed here, safe and with me."

"But little rabbit, this isn't just about you, any more. Four souls are trapped over there, two that we definitely know of. Should we stay here in safety, and not worry about them? Could we in good conscience, leave them to their fate?" Wei Ying tried to be as kind as he could. "Sometimes the Universe likes to throw challenges our way. Sometimes they are signs, sometimes it's a call for direct action. It's what we do with it that's important. But above all, I believe a person has to accept the challenge with the whole of their hearts. And what I've found is, if I imagine the worst possible thing that can happen, and I really face it, it doesn't seem to pass. I think this is because the Universe wants us to be happy."

"Mn." Lan Zhan agreed, adding his voice.

"The Universe wants us to be happy?" Li XiWang echoed, doubtfully.

"Yes. I believe it completely. I know this because, I died once." Wei Ying did not want to bring this up; he looked across apologetically at Lan Zhan before continuing. "But, I was given an extraordinary chance to come back. I believe it is because of our strongest wishes to be together. And I'm going to ask you to do’s going to be difficult, but I know you can do it if you put your mind to it."

"Okay." She cleared her throat and tried again. "Okay, what do I have to do?"

"Believe in the power of positive thoughts. Believe with the whole of your heart that we will come back to you, safe and sound, and it will happen." Wei Ying put his palm over her heart. "Here. Have no doubts, whatsoever. Do you understand? It's a way of asking the Universe for help. You have to be vigilant, on your guard, all the time until we are back together."

"I can try."

"No. Trying is for wimps. No uncertainty. You have to be absolutely sure." Silver eyes looked deeply into burgandy ones, shining with resolution.

Li XiWang took a deep breath.

"Okay, I am going to do what you said. I promise." She solemnly swore.

"Good girl. You are the bravest person I know. This is nothing. We'll be back so soon, you won't even gave time to miss us." Wei Ying encouraged her.

"Mn." Lan Zhan kissed the top of her head.

Li XiWang looked at these two wonderful people, who had taught her how to love again, how to trust people again, and she realised how difficult it was going to be, to do what her fathers were asking her to do. But she also realised that she could do her best, and that was all they expected of her.


The Mingshi was big enough to hold two huge dragons, four Flowers of Venus, one Child of the Tree, two immortals, one dragon of the sea and his consort, and one restless demon.

Oge still wasn't talking to Hui Gai, and he had mistakenly thought he could take it. Leaving Klem had been the most difficult, almost unbearable. But it was only adding to his stress, as the time came closer to actually leaving. Butterflies threaded their way through the veins of his body, a strange sort of excitement that he was finally going to do something meaningful.

Yezi had said goodbye to her sister the day before. There had been tears, but they had been cleansing ones. Surprisingly, their relationship had benefitted from this experience, Zhitiao spending every available moment with her. When the time came to finally leave, she threatened JingYi with the thought of a substantial retribution should he fail to keep her sister happy. Zhitiao had shoved her for saying that, and she knew everything was alright between them. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for what they were about to do.

The dragons nuzzled each other, readying themselves for whatever they were going to face. Shen Ling knew that his mate felt the same way about the Immortals, that there were debts that had to be paid, and that they were both willing to help. They would do their best to make sure that this mission would be successful.

Hongse held hands with her three sisters, silently promising each other that they would do their best. The evening before, they had talked long into the night, foregoing their usual meditation, in order to clarify in their minds what they hoped to accomplish here, in this new mission. Hongse was convinced that their beloved master was lost in the Nether world, and it was only a matter of time and effort in looking for him. She was filled with excitement at the thought of finding their long lost sister, too. Determination settled on all four faces, as they looked at the centre of the room.

Daden Yaonu held the hand of her husband, now in human form. They smiled at each other, thrilled at the prospect of finally, finally being able to find his brother, the Seventh Dragon King. At last, their family could be complete, and they could look to the future. They too, turned to the centre of the room.

Wei Ying leaned up and kissed Lan Zhan.

"Tha-I love you." He said, fiercely.

Lan Zhan nodded, holding him close.

"It will be fine." He added.

Wei Ying looked at the six black shards centred in the middle of the room, golden characters glowing ominously, and prayed to whichever God's were listening that his husband was right.

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