Chapter 7 Explorations

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Wei Ying was skipping alongside Lan Zhan on their way to see the bunnies. Lan Zhan was watching him surreptitiously, making sure there were no aftereffects of his chat with Uncle remaining, and Wei Ying for the most part, seemed much happier.

He ran forward, leaving the well worn trail to bend and pick up something, returning just as quickly with his hands behind his back.

"Close your eyes, my love." He said excitedly.

Lan Zhan committed his beaming face to memory, and did as he wished. Then he felt something cold tucked in behind his hair and found himself smiling. Something else just as cold was placed in his hands. Warm lips touched his cheek almost shyly, accompanied with the sweetest scent of wild lotus flowers.

"You may open your beautiful eyes now, my love."

He immediately missed the warm presence and opened them.

Wei Ying was blushing sweetly.

Lan Zhan felt his lips curve upwards, helpless to what he saw. His eyes shifted down to see a mountain bloom, bright blue with the softest of delicate petals resting in his big palm.

"I was going to pick one, but then I was worried that after I put it in your hair, you wouldn't be able to see it, and then I felt sad...but then another one was hiding, right next to it." He smiled shyly, the more Lan Zhan stared at him.

Silver eyes gave up and stared at his feet. Lan Zhan walked the two steps needed to invade his space and tucked the beautiful bloom into the safety of the tied red ribbon. With a single finger, he lifted the chin of his beloved and met his lips softly, eagerly, showing him how much he was loved.

Wei Ying clutched at the white robes, holding on for balance and brevity, feeling lightheaded and giddy. He hoped this feeling would never go away.

"Thank you." Lan Zhan whispered hotly in his ear, making him shiver.

"For what?" Wei Ying whispered back.

"For the gift." But the intensity in his eyes suggested it was for more than just this.

He blinked and the golden eyes returned to their wonderful expression always present when he was looking at Wei Ying.

"Come." He took his hand and they continued to walk.

As they neared, Wei Ying saw two familiar heads bobbing together, and he left Lan Zhan to run towards them.

"My Babies!" He wrapped his arms around both children, kissing them repeatedly.

"Father!" They both said, the older one in slight embarrassment, while Li XiWang said it gleefully.

"Look," she continued, pointing at the animals. "They're getting along just fine."

Lan Zhan caught up to them now and put his arm around Wei Ying's waist. They both looked at the circle of bunnies, cautiously nibbling on the grasses while keeping an eye on Xiao Mao and DaErduo. The fox was prowling, his big ears listening intently, while the kitten was curled up, fast asleep.

"Like a house on fire." Wei Ying added, smiling.

They all sat down. Wei Ying grabbed a carrot from SiZhui's basket and held it to the mouth of the rabbit that had snuck into Lan Zhan's lap, stroking its long ears lovingly.

"Father? Why is Grumple sad?" Li XiWang asked.

The question, by itself, so innocent and yet Wei Ying had no idea how to explain the complexities of his relationship with Uncle Qiren. Lan Zhan, however was ready to answer.

"He upset your father. He won't be doing that again." His tone was final, and conveyed more than just his words did.

"Oh." Li XiWang sighed.

"What is it, little rabbit?" Wei Ying tucked the stray white strands behind her ear.

"I miss Gramps. Do you think we can go and see her soon? I have so much to tell her..."

Wei Ying looked excitedly at Lan Zhan.

"I think that's a great idea. What do you say, Lan Zhan?"

"Mn. When shall we go?"

"SiZhui, do you want to come as well? I'm sure your grandmother would like to see you again." Wei Ying patted his hand, smiling.

"I'm free this afternoon, but tomorrow I have to visit JinLinTai. Cake tasting." SiZhui tried to sound disappointed and failed. So he grinned instead.

"I'm so happy for you, my child." Wei Ying said, softly.

"So can we go now?" Li XiWang asked, excitement colouring her words.


They all stood up. Li XiWang held out her arms for her pets. DaErduo jumped up onto her shoulders, while Xiao Mao stretched lazily, yawning. She waited to be picked up, purring when she settled close to Li XiWang.

The children walked in front of them, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying following behind.

"Are you happy, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying asked.


"How happy?"


"So like, on a scale of one to ten, where one is-"

Wei Ying suddenly couldn't talk, his lips covered by others. He felt hot and cold all over, desperately seeking more, more air, more touch, more...more. Unconsciously, his arms wrapped around the Jade, wanting to get closer and closer and....suddenly they toppled over.

Lan Zhan caught his slim body, protecting him from the hard ground, even as the wind was knocked out of his lungs.

"Oops!" Wei Ying declared, beaming with a silly smile whilst leaning on his chest looking down into golden eyes.


"Come on, fathers!" Li XiWang called out, her voice fading away.

Reluctantly, Wei Ying stood up, holding a hand out for his husband. He tugged a bit too hard and Lan Zhan found himself wrapped up in another hug.

"I'm glad." Wei Ying whispered, before letting him go.

A disciple met them as they neared the white pillars.

"Clan Leader Zewu-Jun has a message. Sect leader Nie Huaisang is expected later this evening. He expressly wished to speak to Master Wei WuXian."

"We'll be back by tomorrow morning." Wei Ying told him confidently. "Isn't that right, Lan Zhan?"

"Mn. Please tell my brother, we are going to visit Baoshen Sanren. Back by tomorrow morning."

The disciple bowed and hurried away.

"Have you noticed, Lan Zhan? Everyone seems terrified of you." Wei Ying said, putting his arm around the Jade's.

"Mn." The sound was happy.

"Er...and that's a good thing?" Wei Ying asked, uncertainly.

"Mn. Less talking." He replied, proudly.

Wei Ying spluttered into giggles.

SiZhui took Li XiWang on his sword, and Lan Zhan took Wei Ying upon his back, both on Bichen, with the promise that Wei Ying could fly them back.

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