Chapter 76 Prisoners

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Oge + Klem + Li XiWang + JingYi + Zhitiao + Jian Ci + DaErduo + Xiao Mao: Turjak

Li XiWang was surprised.

That was her first reaction, having never seen her familiars as anything but different animals.

Both demons were taller than her, both had blue eyes, and both sported white scales, exactly as Hui Gai had black ones.

They both stared at her with more familiarity than she had for them, especially because she hadn't ever seen them in this form.

"I can sense you're feeling weird about us, mistress. Would you prefer us to return to our other forms?" DaErduo said, his voice kinder than she would have expected.

"No...I'm sure I'll get used to you...both." She replied uncertainly, trying to smile. "May I ask you a question?"

"Of course. What would you like to know?" DaErduo asked, smiling politely.

Xiao Mao yawned and sat on the ground, legs crossed, watching her silently.

"Why have you transformed now? Why haven't I seen you like this before?" She asked.

"It is this place." Xiao Mao purred. "It draws out our...inner nature."

"Do you have to stay like this? And which do you prefer?"

"No, I believe we can still change at will, but here, we are stronger. It is the land of our birth, after all." DaErduo came towards her then, and kneeled. "My dearest Mistress, I know you cannot remember me in this new body, but it does not matter to me at all. I am forever grateful to be near you. I am humbly yours as you are mine. I will do whatever you ask of me."

"Um...actually, I'm pretty sure we'd all like to get out of here." Li XiWang replied, not addressing the full meaning behind his words yet. She looked around at her fellow prisoners.

There were murmurs of agreement, but she got the feeling that they were all shocked by her pets changing into their true forms.

"That can be arranged-" DaErduo was just saying, when he was interrupted by the heavy bolts on the door sliding.

"Change back now!" Li XiWang hissed, opening her arms.

They did as she asked, and not a moment too soon, for the door to their confinement swung open just then.


Wei Ying + Lan Zhan: Turjak

Wangji's blue rays burst forth, dispelling the blue fire. No more came, but Lan Zhan waited anyway, unwilling to risk their safety.

The sparrow was making an awful lot of noise, and then they heard a woman's voice.

"Please come in. Lan Maque has told us about you. You have nothing to fear." The sound of her voice was oddly calming.

"Who do you think that is, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying sounded like he knew.

Lan Zhan dismounted and switched their positions so Wei Ying was safely behind his body. But Wei Ying was no less protective of his husband, and he liked these new robes that were a gift from his beloved. His wings unfurled and curved around them both, still allowing them to walk forth into the unknown.

There was a pale blue glow on one side of the huge room, and not far from that, a gilded cage that also glowed held the woman who must have been the one who had spoken. The blue sparrow sat perched on the roof of the cage, staring intently at them, chirping at intervals.

"No, they are not demons." She said, smiling up at the bird.

"You can see us?" Wei Ying asked incredulously.

"Yes, I can. Is that wrong?" Her voice was melodious.

"Are you Zai Shu Xia?" Wei Ying said, a bit dazed, for now he realised what the blue glow was.

"Yes," she replied sadly, following his gaze to her husband, the Seventh Dragon King of the sea.

The mighty dragon, once majestic and regal, dominator of the air, the land and the sea, lay in a broken heap, bloody and bleeding, barely able to keep his eyes open now.

With a cry of distress, Wei Ying left Lan Zhan to attend to the animal, who had now passed out.

Wei Ying saw he was lying in a pool of his own blood, many of his scales pulled away on his body to leave bloody scabs all over him. His great head rested upon his claws that had been...sanded down? His large eyes were closed now, his horns still proud and erect upon his head. Wei Ying’s heart broke at the state he was in.

With one hand gently caressing the dragon's face, he turned towards Zai Shu Xia.

"What happened to him? He's not tied down, so why didn't he fight back? Try to escape?"

"I'm afraid that it's all my fault." Her voice was calm, but her blue eyes were watering, as tears fell onto her cheeks. "In the beginning, I convinced myself that I was coming here to save him. That I would save him. And we nearly got out too, but they had injected him with something that made his muscles numb. He was awake, but he couldn't move, nor change back to his human form. These monsters need him in this body, and they knew exactly what to do with him. Yao Wang, vile demon that he is, caught us trying to escape, and when he saw how much my husband was trying to protect me, despite his injuries, and his inability to do so. So he decided to imprison me as well, just so he could control him further."

"But why...this? Is it a form of torture?" Wei Ying couldn’t stop the disgust from seeping out of his voice.

"No. It is both a torture, and a means to an end. Yao Wang has been working on an elixir to aid his hoards from leaving here and being able to live permanently on earth. As it is, demons can leave but they need to come back as soon as they can. Their bodies are not equipped to deal with the atmosphere of earth, and they are deathly fearful of water. Yao Wang is hoping that his elixir will cure him and his followers of that plight, so they can freely take over that other world."

"Oh no!" Wei Ying turned to look at the ravaged body of the dragon.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?"

Another voice, one he knew too well, spoke those dreaded words, and the owner came into the room, staring at all of them.



I promised so here it is! I hope it doesn't disappoint HannahHan290

Got to sleep now, sweetest dreams to everyone!

See you all tomorrow!

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