Chapter 69 Brotherhood

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Wei Ying + Lan Zhan + Rumi : Mizag

The fight was getting closer, and louder as cups shattered with empty jars. The two fighters were hurling presumable insults at each other, but it sounded like the language of love if it were not for their reactions.

"You're just a pretty girl!"

"Your eyelashes are so long, you're making camels jealous!"

Your beauty is unparalleled!"

"My dog is jealous over you!"

And so on. With each comment, the hits were harder, spurring them on.

At the mention of the dog, Wei Ying could not control his whimper, but Lan Zhan understood before he did, and curled an arm around his waist. Wei Ying was just about to thank him for the gesture, when an uninvited guest plonked themselves in the empty seat in front of them.

It was a young demon, his scales only shades paler than Hui Gai's, but this one's horns were longer and more deadly looking. He wore a friendly smile upon his face, his purple eyes twinkling dangerously.

Wei Ying did not trust him at all.

He eyed both cultivators, interested in what they wore, but his gaze stopped at Rumi still sleeping in Wei Ying’s arms. What could have been tenderness flashed before disappearing under the guise of amusement.

"Sooooo..." he drawled, signalling a waiter. "What brings you three to Mizag?"

"We're looking for someone." Lan Zhan said.

Wei Ying squeezed his fingers and shook his head at him imperceptibly.

Lan Zhan raised a brow, but continued as if he hadn't understood.

"Why did you call us over?"

What? Wei Ying turned in surprise to stare at first Lan Zhan, and then the now more interesting demon.

The waiter put down three cups and filled them with a red liquid, which the demon drank straight away, emptying his cup even before the waiter had finished pouring. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and sat back watching them.

Wei Ying was too interested in the contents of the cups, and reached out to take the cup before Lan Zhan stopped him.

"We don't know what that is."

"So, I can find out." Wei Ying grinned. "My tolerance level is quite high."

Lan Zhan removed his hand and Wei Ying grabbed the drink. He downed it in one go, copying the demon in wiping his mouth. Lan Zhan sighed under his breath and offered his impeccably white handkerchief, which was bashfully used as an afterthought.

"Why don't you try it?" The demon was pushing his luck.

Unbeknownst to him, Lan Zhan was losing his patience, and although his expression stayed the same, Wei Ying saw the slightly furrowed brow. He quickly took his cup and drank the contents, hoping to ease the tension.

No such luck.

Calmly, Lan Zhan placed Bichen on the table, keeping his eyes on the demon sitting inches from his weapon.

"What do you want?" Lan Zhan asked him. "Or rather, what does your boss want?"

Wei Ying looked around at that, and smiled, admiring Lan Zhan, not just for being the most beautiful man in the world, but the smartest too.

"H-how did you know?" He paled, his finger shaking as he traced the rim of his cup, still trying to maintain the illusion of being in control.

"There is another, sitting in the shadows of that corner. You keep looking at him. Call him over, then you can go." Wei Ying felt sorry for this youngster caught in the middle of a power play he had no hopes of winning.

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