Chapter 126 Confrontation

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Hui Gai was having a hard time avoiding the blasts of blue fire now, guessing correctly that Tiaopi De Long was able to see him properly now.

And the Dragon King was pissed.

Mistakenly so, for in this haze of his mind, he clearly thought Hui Gai was Yao Wang.

Hui Gai was getting tired of this man, who wouldn't let him speak, for fear of him using one of him demonic lying skills, though that thought had him smiling; if he was to get creative, the Dragon King wouldn't have a chance!

He thought about the time Wei Ying hadn't wanted him to hurt anyone, and the solution he had come up with, plus Li XiWang's modification. He grinned and extended his palm, trying to catch the Dragon King just after his last release of fire. The timing had to be precise, otherwise the fire would rebound onto the King himself, and Wei Ying wouldn't be happy.

The clear bubble formed around the Dragon King and he looked shocked; he began shouting, and Hui Gai shrugged, pretending he couldn't hear a word of his complaints and name calling.

When he slumped down in a heap, Hui Gai spoke.

"I am not Yao Wang, that's the first thing. I killed that vile excuse for a demon with my own hands, and I do not appreciate being compared to him."

Tiaopi De Long was clearly surprised, avidly watching him, waiting for his next words.

"My name is Diyu WangZi, but I am also known as Hui Gai. I am the new King of the Nether world. But I am here because of my daughter and my friend. Do you want to hear more? Are you ready?" Hui Gai prayed he was.

Silently, the Dragon King nodded.

"You can trust us because we are the ones who helped you escape from your torture, where you were held in the Nether world for eight years."

The Dragon King visibly shuddered.

Hui Gai went up to the clear bubble, marvelling at its supple texture. His hands splayed across its surface, trying to convey comfort to the now agitated man.

"If I get rid of this, do you promise not to attack me? I wish only to help you, and I promise you, I am not the product of your mind. You have suffered long and deeply so I do not blame you for your distrust, however I value my limbs." He tried making a joke about his safety to put the other at ease, but Tiaopi De Long was still processing.

Hui Gai seriously doubted that he could be hurt at all, but it was crucial to keep that bit of information to himself. Why get people to try, and waste his time for nothing?

The Dragon King was staring at him with clarity in his eyes, a new feeling growing upon his face. He nodded solemnly.

Hui Gai made the bubble disappear.

Tiaopi De Long threw his arms around the demon, crying silently; Hui Gai could feel the wetness trickling down his neck. He felt a little disgusted, but what could he do? The man was too distraught at his own situation to peel off of himself just yet.

"Thank you..." he whispered.

Hui Gai did remove him then, trying not to grimace.

"No offence, but I don't just hug anybody. Got it?"

The Dragon King nodded and looked suitably embarrassed about it.

"Right now, we are both inside your mind now. Both you and your Soul Bond are in a coma, and we're trying to wake you both up again." Hui Gai watched in surprise as the man knelt down, kowtowing in a single bow from which he did not raise his head.

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