Chapter 125 Truth

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Hui Gai returned to the shimmering wall and placed the abalone shell into the centre of the gem stones. At first, it slotted in, and the stones vibrated with acceptance. Then, it began to shine, first a dim light that reflected all the colours of the rainbow, and then they suddenly merged to form a blinding white light.

Even Hui Gai had to shield his eyes for a few seconds, opening them just in time to see all the gem stones detach from the iridescent wall and fall on the floor. He managed to catch the abalone shell and put it away for safe keeping.

The shimmering wall, almost like rubbery water began to thin out until it disappeared completely.

It worked! I'm in! Hui Gai let them know, even though he was sure they had seen everything.

He didn't wait for any acknowledgement, he just stepped forward. The darkness disappeared and Hui Gai was standing in the greenest of meadows. Rich green grasses long and overgrown, swayed with a soft breeze, wildflowers lending their fragrances to the wind in return for being able to dance freely.

There was a man, Tiaopi De Long, but a younger version of himself, crouching among a group of children.

Interested, Hui Gai came closer to listen to what he was saying to them. He was gesturing with his hands and animating the story he was telling.

"The Great Phoenix, Father of all life, created the Seven Dragons of the sea, to master currents and establish boundaries, to control the ebb and flow of water itself. Each dragon was a different colour, and each dragon had a particular skill. Together, they have ruled the Seven Seas for thousands of years, and will continue to do so."

Here, his voice saddened as though he was remembering something painful.

"Show us, show us!" The children clamoured, smiling and clapping.

"Very well, see what I can show you!" He declared, with a broad smile.

In a flash, the man disappeared and his place, a curling, whirling dragon appeared, magnificently blue, his scales reflecting the brightness of the sun's rays. His horns stood to attention, his whiskers dancing with the breeze and he flew high up into the blue sky, his energy contagious and exciting.

The children jumped up, shouting with glee as they watched him swoop and bend, manoeuvring through the air currents with a powerful swing of his long torso.

Graceful and lithe, he drifted down to land among them, bending his grand head so that the little kiddies could  stroke his face. He closed his eyes, revelling in their worship.

Hui Gai watched the sheer joy on all their faces, as they played together. Soon after, he transformed back into his human form, and sat back down to tell them another story.

Hui Gai was bored after a while. It seemed as if he wasn't going to do much else except play with children and while away the time.

What do you want me to do? He hasn't noticed me yet. Hui Gai asked through their mind connection.

Maybe introduce yourself. I'll bet that will surprise him. Wei Ying replied, and Hui Gai could hear the smile in his voice.

Hui Gai shrugged and stepped forward.

Tiaopi De Long still didn't notice him.

"Hey!" Hui Gai called out.

"Who's there?" Tiaopi De Long replied sharply.

The children suddenly vanished.

Tiaopi De Long stood up. Hui Gai went up to him and touched his arm.

"You really can't see me?" He asked.

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