Chapter 86 Found

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Three people and two demons stared at the figure crouching in the corner.

"Do we have to take her with us?" JingYi whispered, trying not to be rude, but come on...

"I agree. I don’t think she's going to be useful to anyone." Zhitiao stared at her, trying to find a semblance of the old Jian Ci somewhere inside her.

Apathy. That's what she felt whenever she chanced to look at her former sister. Jian Ci hadn't been the most pleasant of people when her mental faculties were normal, but now, she was trapped inside some sort of hell, her mind a prison she couldn't escape from now.

Zhitiao didn't believe in dwelling in the past, so she sighed and concentrated on what the little girl was saying. Well, somehow, not the little girl, but Bai Hua.

"We can't leave her here." She said, firmly. "Bring her along."

Grumbling, Zhitiao and JingYi grabbed her arms and helped her unseeing form to walk.

"Where exactly are we going?" He asked.

"Back there. We have to help." Bai Hua refused to say anything else, instead watching as DaErduo deftly managed to open the heavy locks on their door.

Xiao Mao yawned and walked out behind them, making sure nothing was left in their cell.

There were no guards standing outside their cell, which both Zhitiao and JingYi thought was strange, but they were grateful not to have the added hassle of taking on opposing forces. It was hard enough to walk with an inept and near comatose person, let alone if they'd had to fight as well. Although JingYi was sure he would have dropped Jian Ci like a hot potato if it came to that...

Carefully, they made their way down those crumbling stone steps, only narrowly avoiding falling more than once. This large room reeked of burnt carcasses, singed flesh and the coppery tang of foreign blood. So much had been spilled, and even though Hui Gai had managed to get rid of most of it, nothing could be done about the smell.

Bai Hua had long before seen the blue dragon, and her friend and mother in this life, trapped inside a guilded cage. Right now, Zai Shu Xia had passed out, so Bai Hua focused all her attention on the badly hurt dragon.

Upon closer examination, she saw Iron suppressing rings on his ankles and wrists in this dragon form. Iron was a well known antidote to magic, and this would have definitely prevented the dragon from returning to his human form.

"Zhitiao? Do you have metal cutting pliers on you?"

JingYi was just about to answer in the negative, when Zhitiao calmly pulled out the right tool, and then he closed his gaping mouth, wisely choosing to remain silent instead.

With care and precision, Bai Hua cut away the offending pieces of metal and threw them far from herself. She felt for his pulse, frowning when she had difficulty in finding it. So she placed her forefinger against his temple and murmured an incantation.

They watched in awe as the dragon returned to his human body. JingYi quickly took off his outer robe and handed it to the little girl, who covered him with it immediately. He blushed when he caught Zhitiao's eye, her face reddening too.

In this form, Bai Hua easily located his pulse, transferring spiritual energy as she did a quick assessment of his condition. And then, she pulled out the vial of white liquid gifted to her by Chang'e. She coaxed his lips open and deposited a few drops inside, closing his mouth for him, when she finished. Then, while she waited for the medicine to take effect, she went to the guilded cage.

That's when Hongse, Porta Daven and Hongbaoshi turned up.

Hongse went straight to Bai Hua, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Li XiWang looked up then, and fainted. Hongbaoshi gently picked her up, as Hongse tried to open the cage containing her sister. There did not appear to be any locks on it, or even a door, and she was stumped on how to open the damn thing.

JingYi shook it but it was heavier than it looked.

"What if it's warded?" Zhitiao said, suddenly.

"We could really do with Senior Wei Ying’s expertise here, then." Hongse said.

Hui Gai appeared in front of them. He saw Li XiWang in Hongbaoshi's arms and frowned, going to her immediately.

Taking the child out of her arms, he gave her a hard stare.

"What happened to her?" He demanded.

Hongse went up to them both, and checked Li XiWang's temperature.

"It's okay, she had another episode. She'll wake up soon as normal." Her voice was soothing for once.

Hui Gai cradled the child carefully, holding her closer to himself.

"I wonder where Yao Wang took Oge and Klem." JingYi said, looking at Zhitiao, and totally unaware of the effects his words had on Hui Gai.

"What did you say? Why has he got them? Why are they here?" If his voice broke on that last word, no one mentioned it.

Li XiWang opened her eyes, and she beamed when she saw him, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Hui Gai! I missed you! Ever so much."

He could feel a wetness on his neck and knew she was holding on by a thread.

"Here's my brave girl!" He whispered, patting her back gently. But he turned to JingYi, who gulped at the expression on his face.

Hui Gai could be frightening if he wanted to be.

"Where exactly are they?"

JingYi was saved from answering as a blinding bright white light flooded the room, and the ground opened up as if to expel the intruders who had disturbed the perfect darkness.

As it dimmed, they realised with relief that it was Wei Ying and Lan Zhan...who were still kissing...

Of course, everyone politely looked away. Hui Gai shoved a hand over the little girl's face so she would not see, and Porta Daven exclaimed in a loud voice, "Oh my gawd, that's so hot!"

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