Chapter 150 Travels

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Tiaopi De Long sat with his wife, wondering what he should say. Zai Shu Xia was feeling terrible. She had gone and done the unthinkable, shouted at her own daughter, and in her mind's eye, she kept seeing that frightened expression on Li XiWang's face.

How had it gotten so out of control?

All she had meant to teach her little girl, was self defence, pure and simple. But in all their talking, somehow her meaning was lost in a misunderstanding that she was finding hard to breach. And why couldn't she stop crying?

"I'm a terrible mother! No wonder she doesn't want me! She would rather stay here, with her new family..." she cried some more.

"My dear, you are working yourself up into a state. I promise you, her wanting to stay here, has nothing at all to do with you or me. And, as she has agreed to accompany us to the seaside, perhaps you can use that time to mend your relationship? We would do well to part on good terms, no?" He put his arms around her and held her close.

There was a knock on their door.

When the blue Dragon King opened it, he was surprised to find Wei Ying standing there, all by himself.

"Good evening," the Dragon King greeted him, bowing.

Wei Ying bowed back, taking note of Zai Shu Xia's state and the tears that were steadily running down her face.

"I think you know why I am here." He said, a serious look on his face.

"Is it about our daughter?" Zai Shu Xia asked.

"Indeed. You understand, Lan Zhan and I are quite upset with you. You broke our trust, you made our daughter cry...and that is unacceptable."

She burst into fresh tears.

The Dragon King went to sit by her side.

"My wife knows she made a mistake. She should not have pushed Li XiWang to learn offensive skills...she's frightened too. Zai Shu Xia is scared that something will happen to Li XiWang, and in such an instance, our daughter should be ready to defend herself." Tiaopi De Long explained.

"That is not your problem. We thought, given your connection to her that you should be allowed to spend time together, but perhaps that isn't wise. You can rest assured that Li XiWang will never be in a position where she's in danger, and there be no-one to save her. She is capable of defending herself anyway, but myself or my husband will always be looking out for her." Wei Ying smiled sadly. "She's such a great kid, she has made others want to look out for her too. But you would know that if you took the time to get to know her."

Tiaopi De Long bowed deeply.

"It was never our intention to insult you or your husband. I think this small incident has gotten out of control, magnified out of proportion. My wife is genuinely sorry." He held his hand out to her.

She took it and stood up, also bowing.

"Please accept my humble apologies. Also, if Li XiWang does not want to meet with me, then please extend my apology to her as well."

Wei Ying bowed and left.

He hadn't told anyone he was coming to see them, but he thought it was best if they tried to clear the air before they left together.

Just before he reached the Jingshi, Lan Zhan opened the door, a frown already on his face, one that only Wei Ying could detect. He hurried forward.

"Lan Zhan? What's wrong?"

"Wei Ying was not here..."

Wei Ying manoeuvred them inside, hugging Lan Zhan tightly. Lan Zhan tapped the door closed, and held him, wondering what was wrong. He waited, patiently.

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