Chapter 42 Reasons

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A long while after, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were still sitting on the bench when Oge appeared.

By herself.

Of course, Wei Ying was surprised.

"If you don't mind, may I speak with you alone?" She asked, in that smooth voice of hers.

Even as Lan Zhan tightened his grip around Wei Ying’s waist, he answered confidently.

"I do mind. Lan Zhan is my life, there's nothing I would keep from him."

Her face cleared of any doubts and Oge smiled.

"So you've learned how to leave the necklace then." Wei Ying commented.

"Yes." She told him, simply.

"So you could leave any time?"

"I could...but I don't wish to." She admitted. "Something has been bugging me, and I have a few questions for you."

"Alright, fire away."

Lan Zhan threaded his fingers through those of Wei Ying’s, holding him tighter. Wei Ying patted his hands and reached up to hold the side of his face.

"It's okay, my love. Only questions."

Lan Zhan nodded imperceptibly, relaxing slightly.

"Why do you wish to go to the Nether world? What possible reason is there? I cannot understand it. Despite my warnings, and I'm sure others have reiterated, you still want to go." Oge stared at him.

"It's a long story. In short, our daughter's biological father may be trapped there, and we need to free him. He is the Seventh Dragon King of the sea." Wei Ying explained.

Oge gasped.

"I have seen him."

"Really? Where? When?" Wei Ying sat up, alert suddenly.

"I told you that the Royal Palace is a labyrinth, correct? One day, I accidentally missed a turning and found myself on another floor. The door was open and just as I peeked inside, one of the guards noticed me and shut it in my face. But I was sure I had seen a blue dragon." She looked worried.

"Then I'm sure that's him. How many blue dragons are there in the world?" Wei Ying speculated. "But he's not the only reason why we have to go now. Our friend, Nie Huaisang was taken by Yao Wang. We must get him back. And we think our daughter’s mother should be there."

"What's her name? I was allowed to roam around the Palace in my early days, I might know her." Oge leaned forward eagerly.

"Zai Shu Xia. Have you heard that name before?"

Oge shook her head.

"She could have changed it, so as not to give herself away." Wei Ying tapped his nose, thinking. "And there is the matter of the Flowers of Venus. Their master went missing five years ago, and they suspect he will be wherever Zai Shu Xia is. Four missing people. I think this is no longer a job for just the two of us, Lan Zhan."


"Perhaps Daden Yaonu was right, we need to involve our friends. If we can ask them to help, and if they agree, we might be able to pull this off."

They were silent for a while, each focused on their own thoughts.

"I am sorry not to be coming with you. I wish to keep Klem safe." Her soft voice broke the silence.

"If you are afraid, and that is the reason you do not want to come with us, that's okay. But if you decide to join us, yours might be the vote that stems the tide. You could show the people over there that violence is not the answer, that there is another way to live. And once they taste peace, they will realise that they have the space and time to indulge in music, art, and other pursuits." Wei Ying patted her hand.

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