Chapter 59 Resilience

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Hui Gai: Balken

Lor was staring at him, waiting for him to finish.

Hui Gai took a deep breath and decided to tell him the truth.

"I have lived my life on earth. I have made good friends out there, especially the one I have come to value over my own life. He is the reason I have come here. We are looking for four people, and one definitely is being held by Yao Wang. This means I have to find him at some point."

If the lizard could go paler, he would have. His scales trembled, and his eyes widened.

"B-but y-you c-cannot!! He is formidable! Even if...even if you are the rightful king...please not! Do not think of going against him!" Lor had been kneeling anyway, but now he was bent over in a prayer position.

"Listen to me. If I spent my life being scared of the things I don't know about, I wouldn't be here today. And I would not have met my friend...or you, come to think of it." He let that sink in.

Hui Gai wondered what else Lor had gone through to make him this way, but he knew he definitely didn't like him on the ground like this. He crouched down and took his upper arms, slowly easing him up.

When he was standing up straight, he still wouldn't look up.

"Lor-El-Kruza, look at me." Hui Gai waited until he did, though it took a few minutes. "You are one of the last of your kind. You should walk proud, that your heritage is still intact, that you can still make your ancestors proud. You don't even have to go and fight. Just by surviving, you can bet that they're already happy with you."

Lor found himself listening intently, absorbing his words.

"It is what you intend to do now, that will shape the rest of your life. You don't need to worry about me, I can cope with some trumped up little shit who thinks it's okay to bully his people. But for yourself, so that you don't regret anything, you must ask yourself questions. Be brave, in here." Hui Gai put his hand on the reptile's chest where he really hoped his heart was...

"If nothing was holding you up, what would you like to do?" He continued, pleased with the wonder that was overtaking fear in Lor's eyes.

"Nobody has ever asked me that before."

"I am asking you now." Hui Gai felt incredible pity for this soul.

Alone, in hiding, waiting...

It was a sad life. Lor could make it better if he wanted to. But he had to get over the hurdles in his mind.

"I want to visit Karth Pen. It is a mountain on the other side of this world. It is said to be a journey of test after test, but at the end...the reward is priceless. They say you can achieve your heart's desire if you can climb that mountain."

"And what is your heart's desire?" Hui Gai asked, softly.

"I want my family back."

His own heart broke for Lor, hearing those words. Without hesitation, he held the lizard within his arms, hoping to comfort him.

Pengyou sometimes patted his back, and it felt amazing. So he decided to do the same for this guy.

"What you want..." he started to say, but Lor interrupted him.

"I know...I know it isn't possible. I know this." He took in a deep breath. "But I want to believe it. I want to hope. Is that too much to ask?"

"Not at all. We are all allowed to have our dreams. I think, if you don't try to achieve yours, it will become something that hurts you. It will turn into regret, and from that, it turns into resentment. That, my friend, is one slippery slope into hatred. You get to decide how you live your life. How to live your life. Make the choice and see how the universe will help you."

"I want to believe you."

"What's stopping you?"

"Myself." He wiped his eyes. "I want your help. I need your help."

"Alright. What do you want me to do?" Hui Gai was interested.

"Give me orders. Tell me what to do. I know that will help me. It will give me my mind."

"I was a servant once. I cannot. I will not do that to someone else." Hui Gai frowned, upset that that was what he thought he needed.

"No, no, you misunderstand. You can do it as a friend. Right now, my mind is a blank. You can help coax it into life. We can do it together."

He was looking so hopefully at him, Hui Gai was wondering if indeed, it was a bad thing.

"Alright, but on one condition."


Hui Gai laughed. "You haven't even heard it yet."

"But I trust you. I agree to whatever you say. You are willing to help me...and that means more to me than mere words can express." Lor bowed.

Hui Gai cleared his throat, embarrassed.

"My condition is that if there is anything, anything at all, that you do not wish to do, you must say. Be honest with me, and we can get along just fine."

"Definitely." Lor smiled for the first time since they had met.

"I have another question for you." Hui Gai said, thinking about what had been bothering him all this time.

"Of course. If I can answer it, I will." Lor told him, eagerly.

"How are you so sure I am your king?"

"Because I know about your past."

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