Chapter 11 Answers

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Sect Leader Nie Huaisang waited outside the library, patiently. His hand caressed the ebony wooden frame of the door, almost lovingly, having a deeply embedded appreciation of lovely things.

Some hard working soul had taken the trouble to carve out connecting clouds all along the dark wood, and then after doing all that, finely painting each line with gold leaf. It took an artistic heart to complete such fine work, not just dedication and time. A genuine love for the craft enabled the artist to work diligently until it was finished.

"Good morning, Huaisang!" Wei Ying called out cheerfully.

He and Lan Zhan were walking hand in hand towards him. The Jade as always, showed nothing on his face, and Huaisang felt the old familiar panic stirring in his stomach. He willed himself to calm down, he was a sect leader, and a respected cultivator, he told himself.

They all bowed in greeting. Lan Zhan opened the door for them, and they went in.

"So....what have you got for us, then?" Wei Ying asked, bouncing towards his husband and sitting very close to him.

"Is Lan XiChen not joining us then?" He asked politely.

"I'm sure they're on their way." Wei Ying told him pleasantly.

"Who said we're not coming?" An angry shout at the door had them all looking.

Jiang Cheng walked in, holding XiChen's hand, who held Baby Li Li in his other. Now just over six months old, she was a tiny stunner. Black curls hung like a cloud around her cherubic face, cheeks rosy from sleep, and no teeth in a beautiful smile greeted them upon entry.

Wei Ying held out his arms.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme!" He said loudly, grinning at her.

She squealed and tried to scramble out of XiChen's arms in her rush to get to Wei Ying.

"I don't want her to catch your stupid!" Jiang Cheng retorted, but he smiled.

Wei Ying stuck out his tongue at him, while reaching for the baby, but she chortled and reached over him to an unsuspecting Lan Zhan who just managed to catch her.

"Didi! She really likes you!" XiChen exclaimed, beaming at him.


They could tell he was pleased, even if there was no change in his expression, his golden eyes became lighter, and the ears gave him away.

Wei Ying leaned on a single palm, making cow eyes at both of them. Baby Li Li didn't look anywhere else, just deep into his eyes, while Lan Zhan had fallen in love with her all over again.

"Shall we begin?" Huaisang said, breaking the spell.

His fan came out the second he was glared at, by both Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan.

"Do you know, I've heard talk in Caiyi about you." Wei Ying told his brother.

"What talk?" Jiang Cheng scowled.

"They're calling you the Purple Jade now." Wei Ying sniggered, " know..." His hand waved between him and XiChen.

"When did Wei Ying go into Caiyi?" Lan Zhan was suddenly too interested, finally looking at him.

Wei Ying blushed.

"For your information, I didn't go." He reached up to kiss the smooth, pale cheek. "JingYi told me. Don't worry, I wouldn't go anywhere without telling you first, my love."

The fierce look vanished as quickly as it had arrived, the baby bringing his attention back to her. Lan Zhan gave her his finger and she clutched it tightly.

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