Chapter 43 Contacts

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Wei Ying opened his eyes, feeling dazed. At some point in the night, he remembered a cool cup of water being placed at his lips, soft encouraging words spoken, and warm lips at his temple.

Maybe that's why he didn't feel too bad this morning. There was warmth at his side and he snuggled closer, smiling when strong arms wrapped around him.

"Good morning, my love." He whispered, breathing in the sandalwood scent.

"Mn. Good morning. How is Wei Ying feeling?" The deep, well loved voice asked.

Wei Ying had to think about it.

"My head hurts but it's manageable. Other than that, I'm fine." He opened one eye, and then decided to roll over onto his husband.

He looked to the side and saw remnants of a potion in an empty cup and beamed down at Lan Zhan.

"Thank you, I know you made me drink something last night."


Wei Ying leaned down and kissed him.

"Isn't this wonderful?" He said later, melting on top the Jade.

"What is?"

"This...what we're doing now. I love waking up next to you, Lan Zhan. It's the best feeling in the world. I love looking at you first thing in the morning. You're so beautiful...and it's just for me." He smiled, his face resting next to a steady heartbeat.

"Mn. Love Wei Ying." The voice sounded happy.

"We have lots to do today." He yawned.

"Sleep for a while." Lan Zhan encouraged him. "We will get up a bit later."

Wei Ying closed his eyes and relaxed.


Breakfast was a simple affair, eaten in each other's arms.

Wei Ying felt another wave of nostalgia and smiled sadly.

"What is Wei Ying thinking about?"

"I am wondering how many more mornings like this we will have, how each one is precious both in the present moment and in our memories. How much I want them forever." He sat up while still sitting in his lap. "I love you so much, my Lan Zhan."

He held the pale face in his hands and bent down to kiss him. Then he sighed, and reluctantly stood up. Longing was etched onto his husband's features, but he also stood up.

"First stop, XiChen-Ge." Wei Ying announced and they left the Jingshi.

It was a cooler day today, the wind whispering of cold times to come. Wei Ying rapped smartly on the door and waited for it to open, having finally learned his lesson. A few seconds later, it opened and Jiang Cheng poked his head out.

"What do you want?" He scowled, glaring at Wei Ying, who beamed back.

"We wish to speak to Brother." Lan Zhan replied coldly.

Sometimes he hated the dynamic between Wei Ying and his brother. Even if it was a sibling thing, Jiang Cheng got on his nerves with his abrasive personality and he had yet to see what his brother saw in him. But what was terribly irritating to him was how he spoke to Wei Ying, on a daily basis.

Wei Ying should be loved by everyone.

Wei Ying was currently staring at him. He squeezed his hand, before turning to face his brother.

"Can we come in, please?"

Jiang Cheng opened the door wider and let them in.

XiChen was already by their table and he poured fresh tea for them.

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