Chapter 31 Measures

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Shui was made up pure love, Wei Ying decided. The boy had clung to him in the water, which was now full of pearls but Wei Ying was extremely glad they were from happy tears. Shui had burrowed into his chest and cried, wanting to be patted on his head, and they had stayed that way for a while.

Then JingYi had come along and thrown a ball at them, and who knew Shui liked to play so much?

But it was getting late so they had left him to sleep in the water, and Daden Yaonu promised to return to him after she had spoken to Wei Ying. It was kind of obvious that he wanted to, because every time his eyes rested in her, he had that faraway look on his face, lost in thought.

They were walking back to the Jingshi now, and Lan Zhan led the way. Soon it was just the three of them, sitting on the bench under the Great Magnolia tree.

"I don't know if Li XiWang mentioned it, but we have an idea where Tiaopi De Long is." Wei Ying told her.

Lan Zhan had already wrapped an arm around his waist, but now he pulled him closer.

"She wasn't specific, but she said you have an idea. You can tell me, I might be able to help."

"You know about Hui Gai, right?" When she nodded, he continued. "He was able to delve into the mind of Jian Ci. She's the leader of the Children of the Tree. We discovered she had sold the Seventh Dragon King to Yao Wang. He was already injured when they took him and we think he's somewhere in the Nether world."

Daden Yaonu gasped.

"No! It cannot be! That's terrible news."

Wei Ying nodded sadly.

"Bai Hua left us some clues and a black shard, but we don't know what it's for. It definitely has resentment energy around it, and she told me not to touch it outside of her home. The wards protected us there."

"The Nether world is a terrible place. No one I know has survived it and come back, although rumours are rife about it. Not counting your friend, Demons are wily creatures, only helpful if it furthers their own gain. Tricksters extraordinaire and untrustworthy." She sighed. "I would not hold it against you, if you decided not to pursue this."

"How can we not?" Wei Ying also sighed. "Could you, in good conscience, leave him there? I cannot. Even if he has perished, we need to find out, just to give our daughter her peace of mind. And we think that he was Soul Bonded to Zai Shu Xia. What has become of her is also another mystery."

"I can do my best to find out about that place. However, I think you should ask for help." She looked at him thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?"

"You have friends. Most of whom will be ready to help you, if I know you at all. So please believe me when I say that you are not alone. Some tasks need more hands, and in this case particularly, you would benefit. It might even save your life."

"I would think twice about that. You're right, that we have many friends, but I would not want to place their lives in danger." Wei Ying smiled sadly.

"Then I would ask you to consider two points. How sure are you that they do not feel hurt, every time you don't ask for help? Have you ever discussed this with them? Or do you assume the mantel of responsibility and just don't ask at all? Friendship goes both ways, and it would be good to remember that." She smiled kindly at him. "My second point, is this: if you were to ask for help, why do you make yourself responsible for their decisions? Surely, if they decide to help or not, as the case may be, you must respect their choices. As you are now, you won’t even give them a chance to help you. I don't wish to be harsh, but the word selfish comes to mind."

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