Chapter 123 Healing

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Wei Ying opened his arms and Li Xiwang went into them willingly.

"Little Rabbit, we have something to tell you." Wei Ying told her quietly.

"I know what it is." Her usual, too mature perception kicking in. Li Xiwang looked at him with big burgundy eyes. "It's time to wake them up, right?"

"Yes, it is." Wei Ying told her. "But there's something we really want you to know, before that happens."

Lan Zhan stood next to him then, and he put his arms around both of them.

"We don't want to let you go. You are and always will be our little rabbit, our little girl, and nothing, nothing is going to change that." Wei Ying kissed her forehead, holding her tightly.

"I don't want to go with them, either. Can't we explain to them? When they wake up?" Her eyes filled with tears.

"We can try." Wei Ying said.

"But I've spent longer living here with you, than for however long I knew them. I don't...I don't even remember what they were like. Is that bad, father? I feel guilty for that... because... because am I a bad daughter for not being able to? I look at them...and...and I'm not feeling anything..." She burst into tears.

Wei Ying held her closer, unable to bear her tears. His own silver eyes filled with tears too.

"It's not bad at all, little rabbit. Not bad at all. I'm sure they will be more understanding than what we're afraid of. I mean, here we are, thinking about the worst possible scenario, and the truth is, we will only know the reality after they wake up. Shouldn't we trust in the universe? Just a little bit?" Wei Ying swallowed with difficulty, forcing his voice to make words.

"But father... it's so hard!" She buried her face in his neck, as if by hiding her face, she could hide from whatever was coming for her.

"But Little rabbit, we can also say that the universe wanted us to be together. Why else did you come and hold my hand that day, when we came to visit my grandmother?" He tried to reason with her.

"Mn. That is true." Lan Zhan added, looking at Wei Ying with admiration.

"And to that end, everything that has happened to us, all the dangers we have passed through together, and yet we're still together, isn't it?" Wei Ying continued.

"Okay, yes that's true." She wiped her own eyes.

"So I think we should be brave together." He finished.

Li Xiwang wiped his eyes too and nodded.

"Are you ready, Little rabbit?" Lan Zhan hugged both of them as if to reinforce everything Wei Ying had said.

They both kissed her; Lan Zhan kissed the top of her head, and Wei Ying kissed her wet cheeks.

Li Xiwang nodded.


Wei Ying called for Hui Gai.

The magnificently beautiful black-scaled Hui Gai appeared, taller and stronger than before.

Li Xiwang tore away from her parents and threw herself into his arms. He picked her up, also holding her close.

"What's up, little rabbit?" He asked.

She leaned away once, looking deeply into his red gleaming eyes, and then hugged him, resting her cheek next to his.

Wei Ying was just glad she had stopped crying.

"We have to help them wake up." Li Xiwang pointed to the two people lying on the two beds, not far from them.

Hui Gai patted her back. He knew exactly how hard this was going to be for her, having gone through something similar already with his own parents.

"Shall we go outside for a little while, before we start?" He looked to Wei Ying for permission, and Wei Ying was already nodding to him.

Hui Gai vanished immediately, taking Li Xiwang with him.

He took her to where the bunnies were, and sitting her down among them, he sat down next to her.

"I like coming here." He admitted with a smile.

"So do I." Li Xiwang gave him a watery smile.

"It helps me to think." Hui Gai told her, taking her hand in his huge one.

"Yeah, me too. I wish SiZhui was here. He could make me feel better."

"Just a second." Hui Gai grinned and vanished, even as she was about to speak.

"No! I'm just saying-" she blinked and he'd returned with a dishevelled SiZhui.

"That it's not necessary." She finished, sighing but smiling.

She gave her brother a big hug.

"Thank you for coming." She told him.

SiZhui gave a weak laugh, thinking about how he was going to explain this to his soon to be distraught husband who would panic as soon as he found out SiZhui was missing.

Hui Gai still had the threat in his eyes, and SiZhui decided it was better not to make eye contact with him for now.

"What's going on?" He asked instead, smiling at his younger sister.

"Fathers think it's time for us to wake my parents."

"Ah, I see." He replied, a twinkle in his chocolate eyes.

SiZhui was always a comfort, no matter the situation, no matter what was happening. Li Xiwang felt better immediately.

"Hui Gai thought I needed a moment." She explained, smiling.

"A wise decision." SiZhui agreed diplomatically.

"And do you feel better now?" Hui Gai inquired.

Li Xiwang reached for her brother's hand.

"Yes I do. We can go back now. I'm ready."

Hui Gai paused for a moment.

"Regardless of whatever happens, I want you to know that I'm proud of you." He told her, lifting her up.

Li Xiwang kissed his cheek as he grabbed the young man.

Hui Gai grinned and transported them back to the infirmary.

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