Chapter 119 Love

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Wei Ying touched these new doors, remembering fondly the old ones, the ones burned down all those years ago, the ones that these new doors were replicating.

But Lan Zhan didn't want him to be sad today, so he smiled and opened them.


The shout was loud, a chorus of many voices. He looked around to see all his friends, many old, many more new.

Wen Ning was first to come and greet him, with Lan SiZhui.  Jin Ling stayed a little behind them, until Jiang Cheng pushed him forward, XiChen standing next to him.

Wei Ying threw his arms around his Soul Brother, holding on tightly. His throat was too thick for words to come out. When it was SiZhui's turn for a hug, Wei Ying pulled Lan Zhan closer so they could hug each other at the same time. SiZhui handed him a new red ribbon as a gift.

Wen Ning had already slipped him a few jars of Emperor’s Smile, that Wei Ying had snuck into his sleeves.

Jin Ling gave him a new inkstone and brush set, made from yellow marble and inset with pure gold lining, the brush handles were also gold plated, and Wei Ying took one look at it and handed it carefully to his husband. Lan Zhan sighed internally, wishing Jin Ling knew his uncle a bit better.

It was not that Wei Ying did not appreciate an ostentatious gift such as that...more that his needs were met through the most ordinary of things, and he most likely would never use the gift at all. Given his talent for calligraphy, or rather, the lack of, Wei Ying was a practical person above everything else. This gift would be useful only in gathering dust. Lan Zhan dutifully placed it in his Qiankun pouch.

Next came Jiang Cheng, who after getting his ability to touch people back, had not stopped hugging Jin Ling and XiChen, claiming he had months worth of hugs overdue. Now, he wrapped those strong arms around his brother and him close, chest to chest.

"I missed you so much."

Those words could have been spoken by either, and neither wanted to let go. Both were crying happy tears of joy, wiping each other's faces with embarrassment.

XiChen stepped up and handed him a painting; it was a scene from Lotus Pier. In fact, it was the pond that Wei Ying saw every time he opened the door of his room to step out. Complete with swaying blooms and lotus pads, it almost looked realistic.  Jiang Cheng gave him a few jars of the Lotus Pier speciality wine.

An almighty roar broke the chattering noise and for a few seconds, silence hushed over the crowd. But Wei Ying knew that sound better than anyone else.

He grabbed Lan Zhan and together they raced out.

There standing as majestic as ever, Suanni stood in the middle of their courtyard, all nine feet of golden fur and huge canines. There were many who had never seen the gigantic beast before, and they stood back watching. But Wei Ying didn't stop until he had his arms partway across his huge neck.

Suanni pur-growled long and hard, before twisting his great head and licking Wei Ying first, followed by Lan Zhan.

Happy birthday, he said, through their mind connection.

Wei Ying hugged him again. Gurgling chortles rang out in the night as Klem tried to pry herself away from her mother, and she made a fuss about meeting Suanni. Once she was resting on his back, they heard long bouts of giggling as Suanni swayed.

Li Li stretched her arms out too, but the object of her affections was a proud Uncle Lan Zhan.

Hui Gai and Li XiWang, together with an over excited Rumi wheeled in a table with the worst looking cake Wei Ying had ever seen, but he bit back a laugh and blew out the single candle they had managed to light. Everyone cheered and the monstrosity was cut into slices to be shared.

Even Hongse and her sisters were there, raising a cup of wine to Wei Ying, drinking a toast to the birthday boy.

JingYi was playing with the dragon babies, their proud parents standing off to the side.

Happy birthday, Young Master, they both bowed.

JingYi was being smothered by licks and dragon kisses, all four trying to feel okay after such a long separation. Zhitiao was standing to the side, also watching them when JingYi pulled her into the love fest.

There were many younger disciples of both the Lan Sect and the Jiang Sect, brought together by their mutual love for one man.

When they got a quiet moment to themselves, Wei Ying had a chance to ask Lan Zhan a burning question.

"Did you know about this, my love?"

"Mn." Lan Zhan didn't even bother lying about it.

He wrapped his arms around his happy husband and kissed his forehead.

"Wei Ying is loved. By many."

"I love much." He smiled, mischievously. "Have you got a kiss for the birthday boy?"

Lan Zhan knew exactly what he was up to. He leaned forward as if to kiss his naughty husband, and bit his ear instead, feeling the jolt of desire run through his body.

"Later." He replied, in his deep voice, knowing how much it affected the younger one.

"Promises, promises..." Wei Ying was able to whisper just before Jiang Cheng whisked him away to greet more guests.

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