Chapter 33 Duelling

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The training grounds of Cloud Recesses was extensive, with marked plots separating the newbies from the more experienced swordsmen and women.

Wei Ying was standing on the sidelines with Lan Zhan, watching Yezi and Zhitiao spar. He rocked on his feet, restless but engrossed in the way they fought, watching for unexpected moves.

Yezi caught his eye and she stopped. Both sisters came towards him then. Zhitiao picked up the towel by their feet, wiping her face and arms before passing it onto her sister.

"What do you think?" She asked him after bowing.

"You guys are great..." he grinned at them.

"But? You didn't finish that sentence." Yezi grinned back.

"Defence substandard, weak side defending, four mistakes in attack." Lan Zhan said, quietly.

Both twins stared at him, open-mouthed.

Lan Zhan did not normally speak out loud to them.

"Ah...that is to say, maybe it's because you both are too used to training with each other." Wei Ying laughed awkwardly, reminding himself to talk to Lan Zhan about his people skills.

"Wanna try us? How about you show us some of your moves?" Yezi raised a brow.

"He might be busy..." Zhitiao said, giving him a way out.

But Wei Ying was already beaming at Lan Zhan, who held his hand out and Suibian appeared.

Zhitiao loved that about them. Many times she'd noticed that they never really needed words, just a glance or two and the one would know what the other was thinking.

Wei Ying reached up and kissed his cheek.

"I love you." He didn't give Lan Zhan a chance to respond. Instead, he giggled and grabbed his sword, unsheathing it and waltzing away to the centre of the field.

"How about you both take me on? Come on! It will be fun." He whirled his sword experimentally a few times, lunging and mock-showing off.

Zhitiao high fived Yezi and they joined him, one on either side.

Lan Zhan watched him, an excitement growing. So often when they sparred, he would be on the receiving end of the beautiful Suibian, so he could not appreciate the wonderful view affording him now. He had no doubts that Wei Ying would show them a thing or two, so he settled back to watch.

The sisters started, attacking him together but Wei Ying had already anticipated their moves. Single-handedly, he pushed back Zhitiao while defending himself with Suibian's scabbard, and then immediately rebounded with an attack of his own, for which the girls were not prepared for. Wei Ying swirled Suibian around the sword in Yezi's hand and she got so confused, she dropped it. Zhitiao had been awaiting her chance, and while Wei Ying kicked the other sword far away, she parried, thrusting with power. Wei Ying bounced out of the way and hit her back with the back of his sword, not putting too much strength in his retaliation. She stumbled and that was enough opportunity for him to make her drop her sword too.

Wei Ying bowed and sheathed Suibian.

He skipped back to Lan Zhan who took away his sword, vanishing it back to the Jingshi, and then kissed him senseless. The sisters looked away, blushing.

"Er, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying whispered, well aware they were not alone.

"Wei Ying. Hot." He emphasised, beaming proudly.

Wei Ying blushed more, but smiled back.

"But how did you do that?" Yezi had returned from retrieving her sword.

"A combination of Jiang and Lan Sect training. And some of my own improvisation." Wei Ying beamed at both them. "And that's nothing. You haven't seen the Great Hanguang-Jun in action yet."

An arm snaked around his waist, pulling him closer even as ears blushed a pretty pink.

A disciple came to speak with them.

"Zewu-Jun has requested your presence in the library. All of you." He added, before running away with one last looknat Lan Zhan.

"You really should stop scaring them, you know." Wei Ying grinned at his husband.

"Mn." But it lacked sincerity.


In the library, XiChen was waiting for them.

"Nie Huaisang has sent word. He has something he needs to show you. In Qinghe." He said, looking up from some important looking papers.

"Really? Did he say what, XiChen-Ge?" Wei Ying asked, now excited.

"No, but I thought you could do with some company. Would you like to accompany them?" He turned to Yezi and Zhitiao.

"Yes, please." They were already looking just as excited as Wei Ying. "What is it like?"

"A very secure bucket." Wei Ying replied, thoughtfully. "You'll love it."

He walked out with an arm around each sister, chatting away.

XiChen looked at his retreating back and smiled but it was tinged with worry.

"How is he really?" He asked Lan Zhan.

"Worried. But won't say."

"I thought as much." XiChen replied, leaning back in his seat. "The coming days might be tough on both if you. Try and rest as much as you can. I can’t help thinking something terrible is just waiting around the corner."

"Mn. Brother must not worry. I will look after Wei Ying."

XiChen stood up and came around to face him.

"That's not what I meant." He smiled kindly. "Didi, I meant, you must look after yourself too. Both of you are just as important to me, and I wish for nothing except your happiness." In a rare display of affection, he put his arms around his brother.

Lan Zhan let himself relax into the embrace, feeling comfort from his senior. So often, he had to be the strong one, but it was nice to be able to let go once in a while.

"Thank you, Brother. I will be careful. For both of us."

XiChen held on a moment longer.

He missed holding his brother like this. For so long, he had been both mother and father to the little boy, he missed their closeness of before. So he kissed his forehead, smiling at the pink ears and let him go.

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