Chapter 10 Discussions

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Lan Zhan came outside a while after Baoshen Sanren had left. He sat down next to Wei Ying and waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts.

Wei Ying smiled when he saw him.

"May I?"

"Wei Ying does not have to ask. Ever." He opened his arms.

Immediately, Wei Ying scrambled into his lap, both sighing as they held each other. They looked up at the stars, smiling, enjoying the moment. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the peach tree, and that, combined with the regular heartbeats, settled Wei Ying’s mind.

"Do you think we will ever get tired of living?" He whispered.

The arms around him tightened.

"Not if we are together. It is the greatest gift."

Wei Ying reached up to kiss his jaw.

"My grandmother is tired."


"Do you think there's a way to bring back grandfather? Like, for real, in a body she can touch? Right now, she can't even hug him..."

"If there is, Wei Ying will find it." Warm lips kissed his temple.

"I'm glad we don't have to worry about the Soul Bond. I...I didn't want to break it." His voice cracked.

Lan Zhan held him closer.

"It is forever. It is for us."

"I love you so much, Lan Zhan, ZhanZhan, my love!" Wei Ying parted only so much that he could hold his face in his hands and kiss him deeply.

Lan Zhan cradled the back of his neck and held him there, his thumb stroking his ear gently, while their tongues danced together.

When they broke apart, they each smiled softly.


The next morning, everyone's spirits had lifted with the rising sun, for Baoshen Sanren seemed much happier to Wei Ying.

Li XiWang hugged her grandmother and didn't stop waving until she was out of sight, flying with SiZhui back to Cloud Recesses.

Wei Ying hugged her one last time, before Lan Zhan placed him on Bichen, in front of himself.

"You know, Lan Zhan, I can't really move when I'm here..." Wei Ying whined, but he was only held down tighter.


So as usual, Wei Ying began plotting. He was on an equal footing right now, and only a few steps away from victory...there was no way he was going to lose.

He looked down at the trees, now golden, rusts and brown, the summer months long gone and winter arriving soon.

Winter was always a difficult time for him.

There were many reminders of different painful parts of his previous life, but the constant memories haunted his mind. It was better to remain inside the Jingshi where it was warm and safe.

Perhaps that was why he loved the evergreen magnolia tree, always alive and fresh, even when laden with snow. He closed his eyes and held onto the arm around his waist, encouraged by the strong chest he was leaning against, knowing the support was there whenever he needed it.

Was this what his grandmother had meant, to be there for each other? Knowing it and feeling it were two different things, but perhaps not so different now. He wondered if he had been there for Lan Zhan when he needed a shoulder to lean on...

Was this relationship equal? He knew he loved Lan Zhan through every single nerve ending in his body, and obviously, the same was true of Lan Zhan's feelings. But there was a doubt in his mind and he knew it had to be addressed before whatever was coming for them arrived.

They landed just outside the Jingshi.

"Wei Ying?"

He let go of the arm he had been clutching, and realised the sleeve was wet. Lan Zhan turned him around, concerned magnified in golden eyes. He carefully wiped the silver eyes, but more moisture gathered.

"I'm sorry, I...I.."

But Lan Zhan didn't let him speak for now. He held him close, knowing that's what he needed from him right now.

A chill wind blew, making him shiver, and seconds later, they were inside the considerably warmer Jingshi. Lan Zhan took him to the bed and sat down, Wei Ying still in his arms.

"Talk to me." He said, gently.

"Okay, just hear me out? Please?" His voice was hoarse from unshed tears.

"Always." He kissed his forehead, his lips lingering.

"I was thinking about us...about how you're always there for me. It doesn't matter what I'm feeling, but you know...and...and you somehow just know how to make me feel better."

"Mn. Is that bad?" His deep voice rumbled up through his chest.

Wei Ying snuggled closer, trying to get his thoughts in order, to be able to say clearly what he meant.

"Not at all. I love it, I love you. I love that I don't have to explain everything because you already know."


This was it. Wei Ying took a deep breath.

"I'm worried that I haven't...that I haven't been there for you in the same way. Sometimes, I don't know what you're feeling, and I'm trying, but I think it's not enough. Grandmother said we have to be balanced and I...I'm lacking-"

"No!" Lan Zhan refuted desperately. "Not true!" He pulled away so he could look into stormy eyes, still wet with grief.

"Wei Ying is everything." He tried again, staring earnestly at him. "I love you. You are everything to me. My life. I don't need anything else. Only you."

Wei Ying stared back into golden pools of love, the truth of his words reflected back with such intensity, it burned away any remaining doubts.

He threw his arms around his neck enthusiastically and began kissing him properly.

"Feel better?" Lan Zhan smiled at him, later.

"Much!" Wei Ying blushed. "You called me 'your love'."

Ears blazed even as Lan Zhan leaned in to kiss his nose.

"You are."

Wei Ying giggled, and Lan Zhan thought it was the best sound in the world.

A knock on the door interrupted them.

"Sect Leader Nie Huaisang is waiting for you in the library." The disciple called out.

Wei Ying reluctantly got up.

"Let's go find out what he wants."



Good morning/evening wherever you are, lovely readers!

I'm proud and happy and excited to announce that my collaboration with edzooc8r is up already, the first chapter ready to read!

The book is called Solstice Souls, another WangXian novel.
Please show some love!!

edzooc8r has designed the fabulous cover and we intend to publish a few chapters every week, fingers crossed.

We really hope you guys are up for going on another adventure with us and our favourite couple of all time.

Have a great day!

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