Chapter 53 Umag

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Wei Ying + Lan Zhan: Umag

Lan Zhan gripped Wei Ying’s hand harder than he should have, but moments like this made him terrified. It was okay to look brave in front of his husband, especially when coming here was just a twinkle in his silver eyes. But now, they were actually here, and Lan Zhan had to face the facts: they were in an unknown location, and anything could happen.

He was not scared for himself at all.

No...the panic lay at the feet of his reckless and spontaneous husband, who liked to rush into things without thinking them through. Perhaps genius was born in chaos, but right now, he didn't want to find out just yet.

Wei Ying took one look at his frozen features and hurried them both into the nearest alley. He activated a talisman around them, and Lan Zhan watched in wonder as the silver glitter settled around them.

Wei Ying cupped his face, forcing him to look at him. Their hands were still joined together so he could only do it with his left hand.

"Lan love. What is it?"

Lan Zhan closed his eyes, feeling overwhelmed. There was so much he wanted to say, so much he should have said already, before they arrived here...and now he couldn’t help feeling it was too late...and he was out of time.

Wei Ying reached up and kissed his jaw, and then not content with that, because Lan Zhan was clearly wigging out, and he knew only of one way to bring him back from whatever ledge he was thinking about jumping off, mentally.

So he captured his lips with his own, tracing the outlines of his mouth with his hot tongue, tasting sandalwood and something else that was one hundred percent all Lan Zhan himself.

Golden eyes blinked open, dazed at first, but then he realised he had retreated into the darkest part of his mind, and in turn, frightened Wei Ying. So he kissed him back with everything he had, and felt the palpable relief in the way Wei Ying melted against him.

They parted finally, both breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry." Lan Zhan offered, now upset with himself too.

"I don't understand, my love. Where did you go? What was all that just now?" Wei Ying hugged him hard.

"We should go. It isn't safe." Lan Zhan tried to get out of explaining.

"It's as safe as it's going to get. I've put a cloaking talisman over the both of us. Now, please...tell me what you were thinking." Concern laced the normally twinkling silver orbs, and Lan Zhan hated himself for making his Wei Ying worry.

"I panicked." He said, taking slow breaths.

"I saw. What I don't understand is why. Tell me?" Wei Ying encouraged.

He brought the Jade's head to rest against him instead, offering support because Lan Zhan was still finding it difficult to talk about. Gently threading his fingers through the silky locks, he could feel Lan Zhan slowly relax.

"I am scared."

"Okay. Why?"

"I don't want anything to happen to you."

There it was, the root of all his fears.

"My love...what makes you think something is going to happen to me? And while we're on the subject, I don't want anything to happen to you either. Just so we're on the same page." Wei Ying kissed his hair.

"Do not joke." He muttered.

"I am utterly serious." Wei Ying replied.

He wanted to get on with their mission, but this was too important not to address. Even if there was a hoard of demons waiting for them around the corner, he would wait until Lan Zhan was alright before going to face them.

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