Aurora's green eyes met mine as I gaze mindlessly into her striking pupils causing them to shimmered like stars....

"Common, my darling." I stated with my hand still groping her lower back but transitioning her body to start walking back towards the infirmary room. 

"We both need some sleep...."

The two of both easily agreed on heading to bed since this entire day kept progressing worst and worst.....and what better what to numb these feelings is through a deep slumber...

I had safely escorted and helped Aurora back into her cot, getting her to lay flat on her back as I carefully removed her sling to give her neck a rest making her injured arm relax on her ribs.

"Erwin, my love." she spoke with a loud yawn, mimicking how cute a kitten would meow. "Thank you for everything..." she smiled blissfully and within seconds her eyelids slump as well as her head, rolling to the side knocked out cold as though blowing a candle.....

Once my bride was secure and well, I then transitioned myself towards her healthy side meaning her left side. Given the cots were already small to work with and Aurora and I aren't the tiniest people, I had to drag an empty cot and attach our cots so the both of us could lay in peace.

I remove my shoes plopping my exhausted body on the soft cot, allowing myself to finally unwind and relax after such a brutal day, and what better way to end this horrible night is laying next to the love of my life.

My body was laying completely flat on my back with my head focused upon the celling trying to loosen my muscles but more so my mind.....but resting besides me was a perfectly delicate woman that was softer than a pillow, which could easily satisfy me...

I then roll my head towards my right side causing my eyes to gaze upon sleeping beauty with her blonde locks falling gracefully down her chest and breast and having a face of weariness....seeing her so helpless only caused me to gleam a bright smile enchanted by her beauty.

"I love you Aurora...." I breathed scooting myself closer and then I rolled onto my right side like candlelight. I pulled myself closer to her body reaching my arm to clasp around her waist allowing my face to rest in between her neck and shoulder, finally giving comfort towards my mind and body to drift away in a slumber as though a spell was cast on me.....

Nine Hours Later,
The Following Morning.

My body is trained to always wake up at the crack of dawn, and in general, I'm always up because I tend to lack the proper amount of eight hours of sleep for a human, but given all the trauma and pain I've dealt with these past twenty-four hours.....I snoozed in like a Sunday morning and I had strong evidence to prove so.

My body had remained in the same position the whole night lying on my right side, as my head was nuzzled into her neck and chest....but the greatest evidence that I had from the restful night was the hot gooey saliva stained on both corners of my mouth and my blonde hair all spiked and frizzled as though a rubber balloon was scratched against my scalp.

But as always I'm more capable to waken myself before Aurora.....

Slowly and steady I begin to feel all my senses starting to play, feeling my lungs expand and shrink moderately providing me the air to breathe allowing my body to function, but the sharpest sense coming into play was my ability to see.

My body had recovered and sustained enough amount of energy causing my eyelids to flung open as quickly as the autumns breeze, letting me to see images of this beautiful life.


My first reaction and first thought was my love, urging me to check upon my precious human, wanting to know if she was secured and safe through the entire night.

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