"What did I tell you?" he snapped rather unpleasantly like a rat trap. "I don't want any sounds coming out from your mouth, except for those moans." his voice intensified filled with anger and rage as his other hand shielded my lips his palm facing upward nearly suffocating me....

One hand was pressed against my lips strongly like a concrete wall, as his other hand rested underneath my vagina as his index finger and middle finger rose and slid themselves through my entrance starting to thump and rub my insides massaging my walls.

I couldn't possibly care about the pleasure happening in between my legs, I was so mortified from the position I was in, it made my heart pound like a hummingbird increasing my breathing to escalate, I was struck with fear pumping in my blood.

What do I do? How do I get him off of me?

I have to try and fight, no matter how weak I feel....

I force my body to squirm and twitch with my last strains of energy hoping this would intervene with his playtime, but from my stubbornness and disobedience Paul increased his strength deepening on his middle and index finger to thrust himself inside my soft flesh rubbing me effectively, but it only caused more discomfort and disgust to be released from my mouth....

I tried to scream and even bite his nasty fingers, but Paul was smarter than that since he placed his hand making his fingers stand upward along my lips and past my eyes only feeling his palm itself....

The only thing escaping my lips was a loud muffle sound as though I was screaming into a pillow, which only aggravated Paul even more causing him to throb me harder.

I can't, Paul is too strong. I'll never be able to win.....I just have to find another way to get out and I think I know how.....

The harder Paul pushed himself on me, the more I resisted, which caused my body to squirm and twitch like a bug releasing terrifying screams of discomfort leaving him to crack like an egg....

Filled with anger and annoyance Paul flung his hand out from me, along with my mouth to clutch both of his hands around my neck strangling my throat crushing the only entrance of air to be blocked making me choke and squirm like a worm gasping for air weakly....

"Don't make me ask again Aurora!" he threatened harshly, his fingers digging so deeply into my flesh he could snap my neck like a cracker. "Or I'll break that other arm of yours!"he toughens his grip around my throat barely giving me any airway for oxygen, making me believe him he could do it.....

Paul will do it, he's strong enough, and there is no way to beat him physically, but maybe I can outsmart him, I'll make him think I'm interested in him and hopefully, this will loosen up his guard.

"Paul! " I wheezed trying so hard to capture any splinter of oxygen to pump in my veins. "Listen!" I choked on the last bits of energy in me to fight this monster. "Please!" I begged weakly.....

It just has to work....
This is my only chance....

After hearing my lips pass such a cowardly beg, it was like gold for him.

Paul slowly removed his bulky hands around me instantly unleashing his grip around my skin granting me immediate ease since his hands felt like a pair of handcuffs, filled with violence and strength.

Thank, goodness.....

Nearly on the verge of collapsing from the lack of oxygen my head was pounding with pain and my lungs expanded right away trying to regain all the time lost, the moment I was free.

I gasped so loudly hauling in every ounce of oxygen around me, sounding so weak and pathetic but it only aroused Papa's desires of wanting me more.

I know exactly how to fool him. I have to praise and worship him, men like him love the glory.....

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