《Rose》The Demon is Born

16 2 1

Reviewer: therosepoetk

The Demon is Born by Manigandan (manigandanrmec)

Your title is already super intuiting, and it gives off that mysterious energy that I am very drawn to. I don’t mean to speak ill of such wording, but I think that you can either rename it to “A Demon is Born” or “The Devil is Born” to make it grammatically correct. Although, I do understand that such wording can be sensitive to some readers and even you as an author, so the final decision is up to you. I love how the cover is dark and sort of creepy, as it gives the reader a clear message of what the main theme is going to be about. What I think you can work on is the blurb. I believe you can add a little more detail to add more premises to the story, as well as maintaining consistency. You wrote in the blurb that your main character’s name was John, but in the story, he seems to have changed. This was a little confusing, and I think it’s up to you as a writer to clear the air. But the opening was good, nothing out of the ordinary. I like how the plot is progressing, I’m very interested in how things are going to play out. I especially love how you choose to add time stamps, as real crime thrillers tend to do. Excellent details. Since you just started, I can’t review much of the characters, as they haven’t been revealed too much yet. But from how you described them beforehand, I can clearly visualize what they look like and how they would act. Just make sure that you stay true to that, especially in dialogue, so good work. Work on your grammar, as that really affects how well the reader will understand your work.  But the flow is nice, and I really see a lot of potential for where this story can go. Keep up the fantastic work Manigandan!

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