《Kailyn》Crystal Clear

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Reviewer: Kailucy

Crystal Clear by Charm1705

So sorry it took so long to review your book!

Cover 10/10

I love the cover. The editing looks really nice and the fonts make the cover pop.

Title 10/10

The title is amazing. It's a great length and it's catchy enough to remember. Plus it matches great with the plot.

Blurb 9/10

The blurb is interesting and made me want to read and see what happens. It introduces the character and the plot nicely. It does seem a bit short and rushed, but other than that it's great.

Character development 9/10

The development in just the few chapters was good. There wasn't a lot but it's only six chapters in so that's to be expected.  But I am starting to see some which is great.

Plot  19/20

The plot is gripping once it gets to the main conflict. Before that it's still good it's just more of a slow-paced before the main events type of chapters. Which I don't mind at all and enjoyed but once the main conflict got in I was hooked with the plot.

Writing Style 19/20

You have a really nice writing style. It's descriptive when it needs to be, and that's always great. The dialogue bits were believable, and the characters are amazingly written. There were a few lines that took me a minute to get, so maybe work on clarity, but other than that I see no flaws.

Grammar/Spelling/vocabulary 8/10

There were quite a few errors but it was mostly just missing punctuation at end of dialogue.

Enjoyment 10/10

I absolutely enjoyed your story. It pulled me in with the first line and by the time I got to the main conflict I was hooked. I can't wait for an update.

Overall 94/100

I really enjoyed your book. My only recommendation is to look over for mistakes, and make sure sentences read clear. Other than that you have an amazing story! Keep up the amazing work!

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