《Sunako》You Must Remember This

39 2 2

This book seems very unique and in a good way! I don't normally read books like this, but I'm happy I did. If you read ahead you'll see what I liked, and what I think you could improve on.

Engagement 4.5/5

The book is extremely engaging and I was hooked from the first paragraph. I love the way you're able to add a little bit of excitement to things that would normally seem mundane. As I said before I really did enjoy reading this. The reason it wasn't a total 5 of 5 is because I'm pretty critical in this section. It does take a lot to grab my attention, and I must admit I wasn't on the edge of my seat. Though, don't take that last half a point to harshly

Clarity 5/5

The book has no issues with clarity as far as I was able to see, I could feel like I was in the story with the characters. You were very good at giving the reader an understanding of the environment with the walkthrough you gave in the very beginning.

Timeline 5/5

There is no overlapping timeline. Whenever you're going over something happening at the same moment, you make it clear that these are other characters in another setting. I can understand when something happens, and I'm never stuck on the same paragraph trying to understand what's happening or why it's happening.

Writing Style 5/5

Your writing style definitely helps with the feel of the story. I like that you allow us to see into the way the characters think and feel. You're descriptive, and you let us know the characters' opinions on certain subjects.

Characters 5/5

There are too many characters for me to go into depth about each and every main protagonist, but I still enjoyed every one of them. Each character seems to be fully developed and thought into, they have character flaws, set values, and opinions, and I could fully grasp them. Some characters were introverted and reserved, while there were outgoing. Some always aimed for success or were focused solely on school, while others enjoyed the finer things in life. Another reason I like this is because it allows the reader to relate to some, or all of the characters, no matter who they are.

Plot 5/5

The plot doesn't seem too rushed from where I am right now, Since it's a total of 40 chapters and I'm only on the fifth, I'm still in the introduction phase of the book, where we're still getting used to the character's and understanding their schedule. There are still mini conflicts, which is good for engaging the reader, but I haven't seen a big conflict that affects all the characters just yet. So, this plot seems fairly paced for a book in its length.

Your total score was a 4.9 out of 5. Your book is very well written, and I recommend looking towards getting it published one day, especially since it's already finished. Remember that your book can change over time with editing. Also remember that this review isn't final, even with a good review, I recommend getting the opinions of multiple people. I hope this review has helped you and encourages you to move forward in your writing. Have a wonderful day!

Please remember that this reviewer is on hold and is completing all current requests she has. Feel free to come to her with any questions.

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