《Rose》Love and Paper

15 1 1

Reviewer- therosepoetk

Love and Paper by Bloomfalls

I like the title, it's very light, fluffy, and refreshing. I wouldn't say that it's the most original title (as romantic books may have the word "love" thrown in, and I've read a novel called Perfect on Paper). But it's nice.

I think your cover is cool too, but I feel like it doesn't really work well together with the title. Maybe the cover could have the title written on paper, or something? Just to connect the two.

I like your blurb, but I think it could use some grammatical work. It's good that you brought out the characters and unleashed the plot right away - I love classic high school stories, so I'm all in to read your book. Your beginning is a little...unique.

It was definitely a fresh approach to start off your story with a car robbery, but I don't really see how that relates to your plot.

But your characters seem nice and relatable, although a tad surface level. But I like how the plot progresses, and how the relationships between the characters aren't always stable, but fluctuating. Great work.

I don't really see the emotional appeal of the story, and that's mainly due to the lack of comprehension.

I think that your grammar, punctuation, and capitalization could use some heavy work, as it would give more clarity to the readers. But overall, I love how you took a cliche theme and added your own creativity to it, and made it your own.

My final thought is that this is a shining star of a tale, but could use that extra bit of sparkle. Fantastic original story, Bloomfalls!

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