《Rose》Bella Mondé

21 2 7

Reviewer- therosepoetk

Bella Mondé by Shreya Thy_Bitch

So first of all, the title is really nice. I like how you added that international twist to it, because I do speak French, and I know that it's meant to translate to "Beautiful World" in either French or Italian. (I could use some work). But I like how the title has relevance to the plot, so it's catchy too. The cover is an absolute treasure - it resonates with me and your story so much, it's like one of those books I'd pick off the shelf for that reason only. Marvellous work.

The blurb has one or two grammatical errors, so I think you can fix that. From the short piece I'm getting that idea that your story is going to be about one of those man-eating islands, which doesn't seem much like an original concept. But from your beginning, I was very drawn in by the sudden action and adrenaline filled power scene, so great hook. Even the plot as it progressed was interesting, but I just feel like the emotional appeal was missing something.

I believe that if you use the strategy in which in each chapter, you present and answer a fundamental question, it could really enhance the story. But the character development was splendid, I really like how the bonds between the boys deepen, and we learn more about Neel and his struggles in the latest chapter.

Amazing. I need you to look over your grammar, spelling, and capitalization when necessary, as the accuracy of such components really brings your interesting writing style to write. Overall, interesting story, great writing, and I like where you're going with this. Marvellous work Shreya!

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