You're just not ready

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My sister went to her first day of school. HA. Not me, yall stay safe tho.

More Dad Bucky :)

Text of story: Short

"Oh, come on!" You shouted, following your father into his room, "I can do it, I swear! Just let me prove to you I can!"

Bucky sighed, he sat down his packed duffel bag and turned twoards you. You were his daughter, his blood related daughter. You looked just like your mother, from your S/C skin to your H/C hair. But your boldness, determination, hard-headed, and stubborness were all from your father. With another short sigh, he rested his hands on your shoulders and squeezed them a bit.

"Y/n, baby, you're 15. I understand you can fight and that I was the one who taught you which makes it that much better," He smirked, you just playfully roll your eyes, "But you're not ready. I can't have you out on the field risking your life for other people, I can't lose you to a battle that I have no control over."

You let out a heavy breath, knowing he was right. You wanted to help, you wanted to save the world side by side with your dad. But you also knew the trauma behind it, that's how you lost your mother, and you knew your father would freak about you even holding a gun. HYDRA took your father's happiness from him in less than a second, after your mother's funeral he was protective of you since then. Doing his absolute best to keep you out of what he was doing.

"I know, dad." You spoke, "But I know I can do it. I understand that going out there scares you but it scares me everytime you go out too. Please, just this once, let me go with you. I won't even leave your eyesight."



"No!" He shouted, cutting you off, "Sweetheart, you have to understand what's at stake here. Your life, baby. I can not risk that. No, there's no debate anymore, you're not going."

He grabbed his duffle bag and left the room, leaving you standing in his doorway. It was very rare that he'd shout at you, especially in a stressful situation. Bucky, Steve, Scott, and Wanda were going out for a last minute mission. They had to infiltrate a HYDRA facility, hack into their system, get the information they need, and leave. The plan seemed easy, but you knew that even entering the building would be difficult, HYDRA never made it easy. You groaned in frustration and sat on his bed, rubbing your temples as you heard the Jet take off. You completely understood what he was going on about, but you had to do something that was meaningful other than sit around in a huge Tower.

You were 15. In SHIELD, that was old enough to start going on missions and rescues. But for your father, staying home and being safe was what he needed you to do. He was paranoid of what could happen to you, he even had nightmares about the possibilities of what could happen. After a few hours, they finally came back and immediately went to Med Bay. Bruce told you that Bucky just had a few brusies, Steve had a knife wound around his bottom torso, Scott had a black eye and a bullet wound in his leg, and Wanda was fine. You nodded, turning your head back to your show, your body propped up on the arm of the couch. Everyone piled out the room, heading to their designated spaces, Scott and Wanda left to their rooms while Steve and Bucky lounged around where you were at. You gave your father a quick look, taking note that he was okay before your eyes snapped back to the TV.

Sighing, Bucky looked over to Steve who just shrugged. They had a visual argument with their faces before Steve finally spoke up, breaking the cartoon filled room.

"Y/n?" Steve called out, his voice a bit husky, "Kid, you know it's not like that. We're protecting you from the dangers out there, we're keeping you safe."

You looked to him then once again, back at the TV. You didn't want to speak because you knew if you did you'd be in even more trouble.

"Sweetheart." Bucky mumbled, "You know I want to make you happy, but I also need to keep you safe."

"I know, Dad! But, I want to help people like you do. I want to save the world with you, I don't want to be stuck in the Tower forever. If you don't want me to go out into the field fine, but please Папа, please let me do something." You begged, giving him the best puppy eyes you could dash out. (Dad.)

He was silent for a moment. He leaned back in his chair, his metal fingers grazing across his chin in thought. After a few moments, he gave in, his face falling into a slight frown as he realized what this would mean.

"Fine." He sighed, scratching the end of his eyebrow.

"Yes!" You shouted, jumping up from your spot and tackling him in a hug, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

He chuckled and hugged you back, his chin resting ontop of your head, "Yeah yeah, Thank Steve. He's the one who told me to say it."

You pulled back and smiled at Steve, "Thank you, Uncle Steve."

"No problem." He smiled, standing up, "You might not be in the field yet but I have a good spot for you to work in."

"What kind of spot?" You ask, squinting your eyes at him.

"Do you like to mess with Tony?" He questioned.

"Of course."

"Do you like to create things and talk science stuff?"


"Do you know how to mess with Mainframes and other things like that?"

"Most times, depends on what I'm dealing with. I fixed dad's arm once after he blew a fuse. Litterally."

"Then you're hired. Good luck working with Tony, Bruce, and Pepper."

You smile widely and bring them both in for a hug, their arms wrapped around you and each other. Group hugs were never you and Buckys thing, but if it involved you two and Steve, you'd do it without a second thought.

"Thanks guys. It means a lot, really." You smile, pulling away from the hug.

Both men smile at you, Bucky kissed your forehead and walked off to his room. Steve ruffled your hair and walked off to the Elevator doors, he dissappeared behind the metal but not before giving you one last smile. You sat back on the couch, tears welling up in your eyes, and a smile on your lips. A shaky and happy sigh left your lips as you looked out the window to the busy streets of New York.

"I finally did it, Mom. I'm going to help people like you and Dad, and I promise I'm going to make you both proud."

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