Round and round

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You spit out the blood that pooled in your mouth and grabbed your side wincing at the touch.

A cracked rib, a burised torso, and multiple scars on your arms. The fight wasn't to much to handle but, you needed back up and you needed it fast. You went for a punch but he caught your fist kneeing you as he broke yet another rib. You wheezed at the loss of air and more blood dripped from your mouth. You fell in the snow and grabbed a handful trying to ignore the pain but you couldn't.

The mission was to get in and get out but, being ambushed and split apart wasn't in the plan. A gun shot was heard and you didn't notice until 3 seconds in, it was for you. The bullet had entered your leg and you coudn t scream, you couldn't yell, you could only drop a few tears trying not to give in to the dark. He dragged you by your collar and treaded twords the warehouse he was hiding in. A trail of blood left behind, you prayed someone would find you. Anyone.

For the first time, your prayers were answered as the man fell to the floor with a bullet in his head and Bucky coming into view. His words were blurred by the sound of silence. He helped you up and your breathing became shorter and shorter by the second. You were hauled onto the Jet where you laid on the bed squirming and whimpering from the pain coursing through your body. Bucky put his hands on your face saying more words but yet again, nothing.

"I-....Can't" You breathed grabbing his shirt.

Tears welled up in his eyes as you let go of his shirt and your conscious continued to get farther and farther away from you. Bruce came over and began working on your injuries as the Jet began to take off. Not shortly after, it was being shot at. You didn't know by what, but you definitely knew by who. Everyone started to scatter as Bucky kept you close to him. The back of the Jet blew and the air was being sucked out as things were flying out and into the air. You used an arm to hold onto a chair as did everyone else. Your upper strength was helping you out as the Jet began hurtling downwards twords the ground.

It hit face first into the forest as a metal pole went through the same leg you had a bullet wound in. Life is against you. Everyone seemed to be okay, they got up and Steve saw you first. Seeing the pole, he quickly yet gently pulled it out causing you to scream bloody murder. You weren't supposed to be able to scream so now, your lungs were on fire. He helped you up and brought you out the Jet with eveyone else and had you lean against a tree. Your eyes barley able to stay open. Your hearing was back and you heard the wind, the way the Jet was falling apart, and even Tony asking J.A.R.V.I.S where you guys were.

"Okay, Good news!" Tony uttered.

"Good news?" Steve asked raising an eyebrow.

"The good news is, we're not far from home. Fury said he has a location on us and he'll be here in another 10 to 15 minutes."

"We can't wait that long." Clint said pointing at you, "She's dying and she's dying fast. Can't J.A.R.V.I.S or someone else get here faster?"

Tony was about to say something when lasers were on everyone's chest. Including yours. Clint groaned in annoyance and raised his bow looking for the intruders who came. Bucky was about to go over to you and protect but he knew if he did, shots would be fired and you'd really be dead.

"Seriously?! Not one moment of peace?!" Sam whined.

The lasers were kept on you all as Clint found one hiding in a tree pointing his gun at Tony.

"Clint, don't." Nat spoke in a whisper.

"What are we gonna do?! Stand here?!" Clint whisper yelled back.

"Nope." Tony spoke tapping his watched.

Tiny missiles came and each one attached to one of the guys hiding. In unison, they blew up killing each guy. Some falling out trees, others falling to the floor, and one falling at Steves feet. He stepped over him as Bucky came and checked on you. He wasn't going to ask if you were okay beacuse that would be a dumb question.

"We need Fury to get here faster." Bucky stated, his gaze not leaving you.

"I can't pinpoint where he is exactly but, he should be" Tony timed.

As if on cue, the Helicarrier showed up and in a couple minutes, everyone was on board. You were rushed to Med Bay where the agents started patching you up. They put you to sleep so you would feel the pain of....everything. Bucky and the team stayed outside of the room where Buckys nerves were kicking in. He paced the hallway hoping you were alive, you were somewhat okay. Steve got up and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder casuing Bucky to immediately sit down and stare at the wall ahead of him.

God, he hoped you were okay.

*Time skip*

You woke up. The room was empty and you heard faint talking behind the closed door. Multiple shadow like figures standing behind the door as well, you sat up hissing through your teeth at the pain in your torso. You had a bandage wrapped around your lower part of your stomach. You only had on your sports bra and pants, your bare feet dangled over the edge as you sat and held your side watching the figures move around.

"She's mostly okay. The 2 broken ribs are being healed as we speak, her leg will take time but she can walk." Someone said.

You stood up and took a few steps. Your leg was fine, you could walk fine. You didn't want to push it and run so you jogged a little, fine. Your leg was fine. You sat back on the cot holding your side once more. It was brusied and sensitive to say the least. The door opened and in came some agent and then everyone else. Bucky walked towrds you and engulfed you in a gentle hug, so he dosen't hurt your side. You hugged him back and looked up at him and pecked his lips. He gave a small smile and let you go as the agebt had to do a check-up. Fury came in and crossed his arms after he slammed a file on the table.

"You almost died, crashed in the Jet, a group pointed guns at you, and yet you still manage to be alive." Fury said with a smile, "That, is real strength."

"Thanks." You responded giving one back.

"You, my good friend need rest." Nat said giving you a light pat on your back.

Everyone agreed and you let out a light laugh. They all left except Bucky and you stared at the floor. Bucky came from the corner and put a metal finger under your chin having you look up at him. You teard your mind from your thoughts and looked at him.

"You gave us quite a scare doll." He whispered kissing your forehead, "You okay?"

You wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your head in his torso. His signature cologne, gun powder and sweat filling your nose with a weird yet satisfying delight. You nodded your head and he ran his fingers through your hair.

"Come on, let's get some sleep." He whispered picking you up.

Like a five year old, you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You buried your head in the crook of his neck as he close dthe door behind him and laid with you in his arms, in his bed. Soon, you drifted off to sleep. Bucky was about to drift off as well, but before he did he kissed the tip of your nose and promise himself he'd protect you with his life.

That, was no discussion.

Okay, so hear me out. The ending, super cute. BUUUT, originally you were supposed to die hehe. I don't know how I got that ending but I did soooo, ya welcome!

Owa owa!

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