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Warning: really sad. Cussing.

Took me sometime but yes lovelies, I'm back! Sorry to start off sad but I swear it gets better, grab tissues!

You know the drill for grammar, but I'm going to re-read it so if I find any I'll fix it. Still, let me know pls.


Life was an open book.

Living life was something everyone had to do, even if it was for 24 hours or 3 minutes. Living life was something that happened to everyone, including you. But sometimes, life isn't always so great and peachy.

Currently crying in your bed room under the sheets, Bucky had just broken up with you. He dosen't seem like one to do that right? Wrong. He slept with someone else, claiming it was an accident. Steve was back up for him, he said it was an accident, but that didn't mean your heart was healed. Bucky then turned around and started shouting, the whole Tower could hear it. You didn't say a word the whole time, you let his words fall out his mouth and then he slammed his door leaving you stuck there, your mouth slightly parted and tears forming.

"You are unbelievable! You just threw away what we had like it was nothing!" You shouted balling your fists.

"It WAS nothing! It was absolutely nothing! You never liked me, you never loved me, you never even cared! And you wonder why no one likes you." Bucky slurred.

Your breathing hitched. Your fists turned into open palms as you took a step back. Tears falling down your face and his is straight, lifeless even. Steve stood behind you and put both hands on your shoulders trying to comfort you.

"You have no right to say that. She loves you with all her heart Buck, you have no idea what's going through her head." Steve interjected.

"No. No no no NO! DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT! You're probably fucking her right? You guys have been together the whole time!" He shouted putting his hands in his hair, "I've been played before you. I don't regret doing shit! You deserved it and you know you did."

"Do you even hear yourself?" You asked, "Do you hear the fucked up shit your saying?"

"No, I hear myself clearly. You don't. And you know what. This-" He whispered moving his finger between you and him, "Is over! You worthless piece of shit."

He backed up and went to his room opening the door and slamming it shut.

"STUPID FUCKING GIRL! I'M ALL YOU WANT BUT YOU FUCKED IT UP!" He shouted, his voice muffled by the door.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. He's drunk, he had no idea what he's talking about." Steve mumbled.

"No, he has every idea." You stated shrugging his hands off your shoulders and going to your room.

Your room was thankfully far from his, so far. You closed the door and slid down it sobbing in your hands, he understood what he did.

So far, it's been 2 days. You were still cooped up in your room, never the same. You decided to quit your dating life, quit the heartbreaking trauma that you'll ever have to deal with. You made a promise to yourself, a promise that not even you could break. You moved floors, you're now on the floor with Nat, Sam, Clint, and Thor. It'll never be the same.

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