Lights out (Pt.2)

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You gave a small smile before leaving the cell. You stuck your head out, looking left and right. When no one was near, you made sure there wasn't any cameras and moved along. The Soldier right behind you. Both of you were quiet, not a sound came from you two. You stuck your hand out behind you, silenty telling him to stop moving. He did just as you gestured.

You watched the guards move posts and then began moving yourselves. You skipped over to the other corner, looking behind it. The Soldier watched your 6, making sure you two weren't followed or caught. You grabbed his hand and pulled him with you, your boots hitting the floor like leaves in a fast pace. Of course, you two had to kill a few here and there, but eventually you guys made it past the posts and outside the base. You let a small smile creep on your face, right before a gun shot was heard and you stumbled forward.

"The hell?" You mumbled, looking at your shoulder that now had a bullet in it.

"Y/n?" The Soldier called, concerned.

You turned to him and shook your head, "I'm fine. There's a sniper. They know we're gone, we've got to move now."

He nodded and took off with you. His feet moving at a severally fast pace, along with you. You two were side by side as you jumped and ducked over branches and roots. You skidded to a stop, the Soldier following shortly after. You bent down and picked up a twig, chucking it at the ground a few feet from you. It blew up. You turned and ducked covering your head, the Soldier stood over you, protecting you from the blast. He stood up and groaned, a shard of metal in his lower arm. He pulled it out and nodded that he was okay, you stood up nodding back and continued to run. Another gunshot was heard but you dodged this one, it was aimed right for your leg. You two were so close to the city streets, maybe a few hundred feet away. That was until your father stepped in from behind a tree, a gun raised at your head. You froze, you both froze. Both your bodies tense and fear running through you like blood, you felt the color drain from your face. But, that didn't stop you from stepping infront of the Soldier, your arm behind you, shielding him almost.

"Is this what I've taught you?" He uttered, a hint of sadness in his voice, "Have I taught you to lie? Sneak? Go behind my back?"

"If it's your back, then yeah." You answered.

"SILENCE." He shouted, both you and the Soldier's heart jumped, "As die."

"Die? You're going to kill your asset?" You mumbled, confused.

"No. I'm going to kill you, once you're out of the picture he has no more distractions. He'll be the perfect weapon I've created once more and there's nothing you can do about it." He smirked, his aim moved from your head to your heart.

"They'll hurt me again....won't they?" The Soldier whispered, his lips turning into a frown.

You didn't turn around. You couldn't. If you did, Peirce would have his chance to shoot you and finally get what he wanted. Control.

You shook your head, "I promised you they wouldn't and they won't. Dosen't matter if I'm alive or not, I'm not the only one who wants to protect you."

The Soldier's brows furrowed. You're not the only one? Who else was there? Who else knew about him and wanted to protect him? Who else cared for him other than you? You took in a deep breath and removed your arm from behind you. You heard them, you just needed a few more seconds to distract Peirce before the Soldier could be free. Peirce sighed and lowered the gun, he dropped it to his side and eyed you.

"On second thought, I don't want your blood on my hands. So, I'll have my men take you out. Both of you." He spoke, walking away.

You watched him, the way he was confident in not getting hurt. He'd get what he deserved, and you were going to make sure it was you who gave it to him. But right now, you needed to get both of you out of there. You turned around and faced the Soldier, his eyes showing confusion. You sighed and ran your fingers across his bottom lip, your eyes staring into his. You heard the many feet of agents come for you, so did the Soldier, but neither of you cared right now. A tear slipped from his eye, he didn't understand why or how he did that but he felt this hole start to form in his chest. A feeling he wanted to get rid of.

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