Lights out (Pt.3)

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Last part.

You sat up in the soft like bed, something you haven't felt since, never. You felt your brain practically bang your skull, you grabbed your head and lightly rubbed your temples standing up. You began to walk only to have your arm being yanked back, a slight cutting pain from the sudden speed. You looked down seeing an IV in the crease of your arm, you gritted your teeth in annoyance pulling it out. You checked for anymore, finding none, you began walking again. Your feet making no sudden sound against the cold, hard floor. You hid behind the door, you peaked through the crack and saw your targets standing around in the room, talking. Breathing. You groaned. You didn't complete your mission, most likely past time for you to already be home, you pushed the door open a little father.

"She's awake."

"Should we go in or do you want to go by yourself, bud?"

"No, I'll need some help for her to remember. Just a few of you, to many and she'll freak."

"Okay. Let's go."

They turned and started to head twords you. Your instincts sparked and you hid in the shadows, your body completely blended in with the dark walls. The door opened and first one to step in was the brown with glasses, he looked a bit nervous, fidgeting with his hands as he looked around. He froze seeing the empty bed and turned to thr blonde that was behind him, his eyes wide. You crouched down, ready to jump when and if they come any closer. Your last encounter with them was difficult, they had each other's back and killing even one of them would take hours. If you were going to get out, you had to sneak out. You'd rather take the punishment of not completing your mission then to fight them just to be free of wherever you were. One by one, they all filled the room and searched for you, staying in their place. The brunette you saw a while ago stopped infront of you, he saw you. His eyes looking right at you. You hesitated to jump and attack, every muscle in your body staying put but your brain saying to attack.

"Y/n." He spoke, "Come out, doll. I can see you."

You completely froze. Your eyes narrowed up at him. He called you by your name, a name that your father only spoke of but stopped using. When the name came out his mouth, you heard a scream behind it. It wasn't anybody in the room, not even the man who said it. You just, heard a scream.

"Where is she? You see her?" The blonde questioned, speed walking twords him.

You pressed your back against the wall, your eyes now focused on the clueless man being the brunette. The brunette stretched out his metal arm stopping the blonde in his tracks, his eyes never leaving you.

"Stop, leave it to me. Just have everyone else disengage and leave the room." He ordered.


"Now." He cut him off.

With a sigh and a quick nod, the blonde was off and in no time got everyone our the room. Leaving you and the brunette alone. He crouched down to your level and slowly stuck out his hand, the metal glistening in the sunlight beaming from the window. You didn't even reach for it, your trust was low with this one. You didn't know anything about him except that one time holding the car. You don't know how long you've been out, you don't know if you can trust him, you don't know where you are, and you certainly don't know if your father would come for you or not. He kept his hand out though, never ceasing to take it away.

"Кто ты?" You spoke, clearly. (Who are you?)

"You know me." He was quick to respond, his voice thick with certainty.

"Где я?" (Where am I?)

"You're home. My home. The place you sent me, remember?" He asked, a slight frown forming.

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