Fairy lights

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Based off a tik tok I saw.

Text: Short.


Getting off your motorcycle, Happy stood there with a grin expression that somehow mixed with the rainy weather of today. He stuck out his hands, waiting for you to drop the keys in them. But, instead you gave him a pat on his shoulder, silently telling him it was okay. Since Tony had went on a mini vacation with Pepper, he left his staff and JARVIS in charge, which included Happy who had to watch over everything.

He was stressed to his limits. You couldn't even begin to imagine how much pressure and energy it took to even make sure the building dosen't fall apart. Happy gave you a slight smile, greatful that at least you gave him some hope that he could do this. You gave him a smile back before walking into the Tower, thankfully you were drenched in water since Happy had an umbrella with him. You walked into the kitchen and stood in the fridge deciding what to eat, there wasn't many choices since Sam didn't go shopping this week but there were still a few options. Giving up, you decided to pass on eating and moved a long to your room. You hoped to see Bucky since you've been out all day supervising Tony's Lab for Happy, his request. Just like that, your prayers were answered, but in a surprised way that shocked you. When you opened your door, the room was covered in fairy lights. From the corners all the way down the wall, some were over top of your bed, some were strapped under your bed, some were on your bathroom and closet door, and the rest were strapped to your windows.

You stood there for a second, taking in the dark room lit with lights, your lips were slightly parted as you looked around. Your eyes finally landed on Bucky, he was sitting in the middle of the room, lights ontop of his head, and more in his hands. He looked up at you when you walked through the door, a smile on his face as he stood up. Once you were finally pulled back down to earth, you smiled back at him and closed your door.

"What is all this for?" You asked, picking one of the fairy lights off the wall.


That was all he said before he walked over to you with open arms. You giggled and hugged him back, picking the fairy lights out his hair as you did so. As soon as you pulled away, he smiled like a goof again before messing with the light more, trying to untangle them.

"It is pretty." You spoke, walking through the room, "Where did you even get all these?"

He looked back at you, furrowing his eyebrows, "I found them somewhere....I forgot."

"It's okay." You mumbled, taking his hand in yours, "You seem to like them a lot, maybe later we can get more, yeah?"

He nodded excitedly. You smiled and pecked his lips before going to eat. Like you said, you took him to the store a little later. He wore a hoodie to at least hide some of his face as you two walked hand in hand down the aisles, his eyes wide with surprise. He didn't know how many colors there were and to see so many in one aisles, then more in another aisle, he was overwhelmed. You knew he was, the first time you saw them you couldn't decide what color or type you wanted either. You gave his hand a light squeeze, his eyes darting to yours.

"It's okay, you can get however many you want, or just get one if you want too. Take your time, bubs." You reassured, lifting your hand and giving his knuckles feather kisses.

He smiled, unable to hide it when you put his hand down. Turning back to the lights, he focused on what color he wanted. You watched as he completely turned his attention to the lights, you were going to pick up a box to look at when he pulled you back. A look of worry on his face when you turned to him.

"It's okay, James. I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

He was hesitant, but nodded anyways. Letting your hand go as you reached for the box, they were teal blue fairy lights, around 15 feet. You showed him the box and he studied it for a second, a smile growing as he took your hand and dragged you to the check out center. You paid for the lights and immediately went home, he put them up around the corners of the room. You kept asking if he needed help and the only thing you'd get in response was a simple "No" everytime. Once he was finished, he felt proud and smiled even brighter this time. Since he kicked you out the room until he was done, he let you back in and shut the door.

"Wow." You mumbled, "It's actually....really really beautiful."

"It's for you." He grinned, blushing as he looked down.

You turned to him and let out a breathy laugh, "Me? Seriously? I mean, I love it, yes. But, you did this for me?"

He looked up to you and smiled again, "Yeah. I did."

You jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly, squeezing the air out his lungs in the process. He hugged you back, more gently than you did because of his arm but it was filled with just as much love.

"Thank you, Bucky. It means a lot." You said, pulling back and kissing him.

He broke the long kiss with another smile. He told you his favorite thing to do was smile with you, and after you being gone for so long he hasn't smiled all day. He missed you a lot, so when he found the fairy lights somewhere around the Tower, he thought of you and hung them up. So now, anytime you weren't here he'd plug them in and watch them light up the room, just like your smile.

"I love you." You breathed, breaking another smile from his face.

"I love you too, doll."

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