"I did?"

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You ripped the IV from your wrist as soon as you remembered everything and stood up. Your blood rushing with adrenaline, the heart monitor beeping like crazy. A hand landed on your shoulder but you were quick to take it in your grip and flip the person to the ground. A pained groan came from them along with a lot of whirring noises and sparks. Your eyes traveled to the persons face, blue eyes looking right back at you.

You quickly let go in regret and backed up a bit, "I'm sorry! I didn't meant it!"

He slowly stood up fixing his arm and stuck out his hand, "It's okay, it was instincts."

You grabbed his hand as he helped you up. You looked around and saw you were in a hospital, surrounded by the smells of chemicals and white floors. It gave you an uneasy feeling, you scrunched your nose a bit at the feeling deep in your stomach. Bucky realized this and brought you in for a hug rubbing your back up and down.

"It looks so much like-......like the room." You mumbled in his chest.

"I know. It's uneasy for me too. But, I promise your safe." Bucky whispered softly, kissing the top of your head.

The door nob twisted and with a quiet creak another person came in. You quickly got out of Bucky's grasp and turned on your heel ready to protect him. After all, that's what you were trained to do. Protect. You recognized the person, Steve, who came in and held up his hands in surrender. He slowly stepped twords you, you looked back at Bucky for confirmation and he nodded. Turning back to Steve, you relaxed your stance and fiddled 2ith your fingers. You realized that they had these sympathetic looks on their faces, which also gave you an uneasy feeling. You hated when people felt bad for you, like you were helpless all the time.

"What did I do?" You quietly asked, looking at the floor.

"You uhm-.....you bombed a building." Steve spoke, putting a hand on your shoulder.

You snapped your head up at him and went wide eyed. You felt like the world was closing in on you, like the universe had no mercy for you. Your heart was beating fast, you hands shaking a bit. You never showed weakness, not infront of anyone, but these two broke your walls faster than anything.

"I-I w-what?" You stumbled over your words, "How....how many people did I hurt? Did I kill anyone?! Were there kids?! Was anyone in the building?!"

"Doll," Bucky called, "Calm down. You'll get your blood rushing to much again."

You ignored him, "Who did I kill?!"

"No one. Luckily." Steve answered, trying to calm you down as well, "Seven injured and the rest made it out fine, you didn't kill anyone."

You ran a hand through your hair, already feeling the tears prick your eyes, "I didn't- I had no- Jesus."

Bucky hugged you from behind and buried his nose in your hair, something that he knew calmed you. He couldn't let you get angry again. After the accident, all he wanted to do was put you in a good mood where you didn't have to worry anymore. Where you could be safe and happy with the people you love.

"I'm sorry." You apologized, looking at the floor again, "I shouldn't have gotten so angry again...I-I just saw someone pick on you and-"

"We know, doll. It's okay. You were protecting me, but I'm okay. I don't need to be protected." Bucky mumbled, kissing your neck.

"But it's my job....what I was trained to do...." You argued quietly.

"We know this as well." Steve sighed, a small smile ghosting his lips. When Bucky pulled away he put his hand on your head rubbing it a bit, "And you did a good job, kid. You did a good job."

Bucky smiled at the gesture remembering when he used to do that to Steve. You gave off a small chuckle as Steve began walking away. Before he closed the door he gave you one last smile and left, leaving you and Bucky in the room.

"Come on, let's get you changed." He said, handing you your clothes, "Be easy with the stitches on your shoulder, don't want them to break."

You took them from him and hugged him again. Tighter than before. He hugged you back, careful of your shoulder and kissed your temple.

"Thank you, for not hating me." You mumbled in the crook of his neck.

He chuckled a bit, "I'd never hate you, no matter what you or I did. I'll always love you and protect you. Okay?"

You nodded and pulled away.

"Hurry now, everyone's waiting for you outside." He smiled pecking your lips and leaving the room.

You looked out the window and watched the city go by for a couple minutes before you slipped on your clothes. You prayed that the people in the building didn't see you, barley got even a glimpse of your face. You prayed no one did. Being on the news was the last thing you needed right now. You knew you'd have to speak on your actions, weather it was in court or in Fury's office but, until that day came you were going to smile. Be happy that no one got hurt badly and that everyone is still waiting for you, for you to come out and be with them. Bouncing on your heels, you ran to the door. Opening it, first person you saw was Tony who was standing at the front door with Steve. You jumped him with hugs and he chuckled hugging you back.

"How do you feel?" He asked, a smile plastered on his face from the sudden contact.

Everyone stood up walking over to you, Bucky was right by your side. You intertwined your fingers with his as you saw everyone around with curious faces. You smiled and nodded.

"I feel good."

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