Who are you? Pt. 2

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Part 2 of 2.

Warning: Cussing

2000+ words

You woke up around 5am, it was 6am now. You were in blue ripped jeans, a grey hoodie, blue and white hightops, and your hair down. You had just come back from Mrs. Bakers bakery and she gave you the last cake. A chocolate and butter cream icing cake that she baked just for you. You left it in the fridge and got breakfast. It was just your Chinese food from yesterday.

You sat on the couch and turned on Fresh Prince of Bel-air as Strange came in.

"Hello Y/n." He greeted nodding at you.

"Hey Strange! What are you doing here? I thought you lived in that magic house." You replied eating another bite of your food.

"Yes, but Stark has requested that I fix his suit." He sighed.

"Oooh, another 'I can't fix it without making a new one so I need magic kinda thing huh?" You asked making air quotes.

"Sadly. He also told me to tell you 'Don't forget to tell her about the meeting'. Something like that." He smiled at you and walked through his portal.

Meeting? What meeting? Meeting meeting meeting...MEETING!!!

You realized you had a meeting with the Team at 12 but you also had the bow hunt with Clint at 12. He'd understand right? Yeah...he has to go too.

He'd understand.



You jumped up from the couch and banged on Clints door. He opened it and you saw his SpongeBob onesie. Trying not to laugh, you looked at him and he looked at you confused.

"We have a meeting at 12. I can't make it to Bow hunt." You said already regretting telling him.

"What?! Noooo!" He whined, "Can't Tony call off this one thing! It's our tradition!"

"I know! I just didn't want you to go out there and be ready when I'm in the meeting. I also didn't want to get pranked by you." You admitted with sad eyes.

"It was one time!" He complained looking at you.

"Yeah! That one time cost me my skin on the left side of my stomach! Not that I'm complaining, because I love my scars, but still! It hurt!" You whined with a pouty face.

"Fine, okay. How about we reschedule for 1. Since we know that meeting takes at least an hour of 'I have a brain and I'm gonna brag' words." Clint said mocking Tony in a squeaky voice.

You laughed and nodded as he smiled and closed his door.

Pfffft. SpongeBob onsie.

*Time skip brought to you by Steve yelling out the National Anthom song thoughtout the Towers Comms*

It was 1pm. Your traditional game is about to begin. Bucky stayed in the back of the living room watching you and Clint climb through venst and shoot any of the targets that you see.

The goal is to shoot as many red targets as you can than the other. The winning streaks were tied, 12-12. Clint won 12 and so did you. The course was to go through the vents, find the targets there, then drop out and find the winning target thats hidden around the Tower. There are 24 targets, that includes the hidden one.

You already shot 23 and so did Clint. You got our the vent first, you tucked and rolled with the bags holding your arrows strapped around your chest and on your back. You took one out and put it on your bow in the position to shoot it. You scowerd the Tower and it took 20 minutes for you to find it. It was hidden in Tony's lab behind one of his suits, the only way to hit the bullseye was to have the bow go through the little space between the arm. You aimed your bow and took in a deep breath before firing. You shot the bullseye and a bunch of confetti went off in the living room.

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