Abandonment and Expectations (Pt.2)

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Took a bit of a break, I wasn't grounded again I swear. I was just tired and sis could barley eat so I slept. The whole time. :):

But I'm back, this one was requested a lot. Sorry if it's a bit shitty I didn't know what was going on near the end lmao. Enjoy!!!

You sat on the couch, your cat Tubs coming over and rubbing against your leg, purring.

It's been a couple weeks since the argument. You moved into your cousins apartment for the time being, just until you felt comfortable going back to the Tower. You didn't quit your job either, if Steve or Fury needed you for a mission you didn't hesitate, but you did hesitate on pairing up with someone. You didn't necessarily just get annoyed by being partnered up with Bucky, it was the whole team that annoyed you. Everyone asked why you left, if you're coming back, are you okay, and most importantly if you and Bucky are getting back together. You felt no sympathy for him, only because you weren't seeing him as much. No one knew where you went after the mission, you didn't stick around to talk either, you just got the job done and left. Each time you left, you went a different way so they wouldn't find you, a move Bucky taught you. You sighed and picked Tubs up, holding her close to your chest as she nuzzled her face in your collarbone.

"At least you're still here, huh?" You mumbled, scratching behind her ears.

She meowed and lifted her head up to get you in her favorite spot. Once you did, she was a purring mess. Clawing at your leg and straightening her tail. Your cousin came in from shopping and sat down the bags looking at you. He rolled his eyes and and started unpacking the groceries.

"How long you plan on living here?" He raised a brow at you.

You turned twoards him, "How long you expect me to fix your problems?"

"I don't, I do them myself." He smirked, "Maybe you should take after me and make up with your boy toy."

"He's not my boy toy." You huffed, "And there's nothing to fix. What's done is done."

"I feel like you're the only one who's convincing yourself it's over." He chuckled, "Have you seen yourself lately? Everything you do reminds you of him. I understand what he did was wrong and hurt you beyond understanding, but you have to fix it or this will go on forever."

"What's wrong with this? You love me." You smiled.

"Yeah, but not this much. Just go and do it. If it dosen't work, then you can live here as long as you want. Deal?"

You sighed, "Fine. Deal."

"Y/n? Oh my god, girl where have you been?!" Nat smiled, bringing you in for a bear hug, "I've missed you. Please tell me you're back. The entire teams been a mess without you, especially Barnes."

You clenched your jaw at his name and let out a heavy sigh, "Yeah, no. I uh....I just need to make things right and if they turn out the way I'm hoping, I'll be back."

"Great!" She smiled.

Bucky came around the corner, he immediately froze seeing you. His eyes glued to your face and his lips slightly parted, he looked stuck. You froze as well, debating weather or not to go and talk. Without another glance, he turned on his heel and walked away.

"Go." Nat rushed, pushing you twoards his direction.

You nervously cleared your throat and chased after him. He was still in the hallway, stuck between walking or stopping. You hesitated before walking infront of him. You saw how his lips parted slightly and his brows furrowed, as if he was stuck in time and confused.

"Bucky?" You waved your hand around, "James?"

His eyes caught yours. He stood up straight but his face stayed the same, he was confused. He wanted to back away and give you your space, but he also wanted to grasp you in a hug and never let you go. He realized his mistake for leaving you and never felt so broken or stupid before. He was back to being silent, he stopped talking with Steve, he stopped having little comebacks with Tony, and he stopped bullying Sam. He stopped everything and hung out in his room, hoping to die.

"James, can we talk? Please?" You ask, fidgeting with your fingers, "It's about that...day. I know you had your reasons for hiding away and leaving but it did hurt me. A lot. And, the only part I take back is the part about losing me. I miss you. It's okay if you don't feel the same anymore, especially since I yelled those things at you, but for what it's worth....I'm really really sorry. If you don't want to be together again that's fine too, but can we at least be friends? Please?"

He closed his mouth shut. Scrunching his face a bit and looking down at the floor, his hands in his pockets.

"I uh,...I didn't understand how big of a jerk move that was until you weren't there anymore." He started, looking up from the floor, "It wasn't right to you. I'm- I'm beyond sorry, I- It was stupid for me to just leave you. To leave everyone. I'm sorry I made you cry, I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I didn't send you a letter or something I just- I couldn't let you get caught. I wouldn't forgive myself if you ended up hurt...or worse."

"It's okay." You smile a bit, "I forgive you. Just please, next time at least sneak in or something."

He chuckled, "I will, doll. I promise."

"So.....are we...are we back together or friends....?" You asked, your voice trailing off.

"If you want. Everyone's been asking non-stop about you and me. We can be whatever you want, just help me get them off my back first." He pleaded.

You giggled and kissed him, his lips just as soft as you remember. You ran your fingers through his hair, he sighed into the kiss before you both pulled away. He smiled as you swiped your thumb over his bottom lip.

"Let's help with your problem, hm?" You mumbled, kissing him again.

"I'd like that." He breathed, "I love you, doll."

"I love you too, old man."

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