Our child (Pt.2)

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Sorry it took so long but you ask, I deliver:)


Today you turned 16. As a gift, Tony decided to take you on your first mission as first time battle against Hydra. You've heard a lot about Hydra, especially through your father's stories. You hated them for what they've done to him and Steve, but more to Bucky. Of course, as the protective parents they are, Steve and Bucky objected as soon as Tony suggested this gift.

"It's suicide!" Steve shouted, banging his fist down on the conference table.

"And not to mention that's our daughter you're sending out there! To fight the one organization that could possibly kill her!" Bucky added, pointing at you then somewhere around the room.

Tony crossed his arms, his curious eyes looking between the two, "Uh huh. Anyways-"

"Tony." Peppers voice rang out, as she stepped into the room, "You're endangering their daughter and that's your gift?"

Tony sighed, running his hands down his face. Pepper walked over to you and handed you a little gift bag, a bright red bow on the front. You smiled up at her and thanked her as she kissed the top of your head and walked over to Tony.

"Come on, Pep." Tony sighed, "Those are for me. You're giving my kisses away like money. I have actually money, you want that instead?"

You giggled at his comment, opening the bag and looking through the paper to find your gift.

"Stark." Bucky growled, watching him intently.

"You will not send my daughter out there. My orders." Steve finished, eyeing him.

"Well, in this specific case, you're orders don't go through Capsicle." Tony smirked, winking at you.

"And why not?" Steve asked.

"Because, it's Furys orders."

Steve froze, as well as Bucky. They all knew Steve had given up his title temporarily to help raise you, and Fury took over and gave orders again. So, Steve had no say in this as much as a random agent had to ask to see the Council. Sighing in defeat, Steve stood straight and looked over at you. You were smelling the lotion Pepper had got you from your favorite store, loving the scent it had.

"You're not going to say anything?" Sam asked, your eyes snapping twoards him.

"What say do I have?" You shrugged, "Honestly, the only rule I have to follow is to listen to any adult who asks anything of me. And if I'm being more honest, I want to go on this mission. I think it'll be a great 16th birthday present."

Everyone's eyes widened at your honest response.

"Are you being serious right now?!" Tony beamed, "You really want to do this?!"

"Yes?" You answered, unsure of his sudden excitement, "You know, for Fury to say I have to do this you seem very excited."

"Yeah, well, you're going with me so it'll be fun." He smiled.

He lied. You could tell through his Arc reactor he was lying. You honestly did want to go on your first mission, you knew how hard it'd be but you were still willing to go through with it. It'd be a family tradition for you to go on missions, only to go through the bloodline. Of course, you'd have to retire to raise your kids like your father's did, but you'd send them out on their first mission too. If they choose so.

"Are you kidding me?!" Bucky shouted, looking twoards you, "Princess, darling, doll, my beautiful Y/n-"

"Here it comes." You mumbled under your breath, intrigued on what he's about to ask.

"Don't go through with this. I'm begging you. I don't want to lose you to the people I protect you from." He finished, giving his best pleading look.

"Papa," You sighed, standing up, "I'll be fine. I'll be careful, observant, and all those other big words I can't remember right now. Please, just trust me on this? I'll come back alive I swear."

"But that's something you can't promise, Princess. And I can't afford to lose you." Bucky argued.

"Dad ca-"

"It's settled! Placket your things Y/n, it's time to fight Evil and set out to blow shit up!" Tony cheered, bouncing around the room.

You turned to your fathers, giving them a pleading look similar to Buckys but more effective. As soon as they both saw you, they tensed and looked between eachother.

"Please dad? Papa? I'll be fine I promise." You pouted, your eyes shining with each word.

Bucky groaned, "You know I can't say no when you do that. Fucking weaknesses."

"Fine." Steve sighed, giving in to your eyes, "You can go. But if you so much as get a scratch I'll beat the living stripes off of Stark and ground you."

You nodded, "Deal."

Needless to say, when you came back there was infact no scratches on you. Tony on the other hand, had a banged up suit, bloody nose, exposed wires, and his jets weren't working. He could barley keep his eyes open after the mission so you had to fly the Jet, which in fact was confusing for you so Jarvis took over. Tony limped into the living room, you helped him lay down on the couch then went for an ice pack to help his eye and brusied ribs. As soon as the elevator dinged, everyone came rushing out their rooms and stood around the couch.

"Guys," You spoke over the overlapping chatter, "Give him some space, he's pretty fucked up."

Slowly, they all moved away and let you patch up Tony a bit while Bruce rushed to get his supplies.

"How the hell is Tony banged up but not you?" Natasha asked, confused.

"Well," You started, "Tony was flying above while I was getting the information. Everyone who came for me ended up dead and I didn't get hit, snapped a guy's neck, and somehow Tony got it way worse than me."

"So, you really came back with no scratches?" Steve said, amazed.

You shrugged, "You said not too."

Bucky chuckled, "I guess we underestimated you, princess. Still not letting you go though."

You knew he was debating that statement but went along with it anyway. Bruce came back a little while later and patched up Tony, Pepper came by and helped him up to their shared bedroom. Everyone congratulated you and left to their rooms leaving Steve and Bucky in the living room with you.

"Are you...proud?" You asked, hesitant to even speak the words that left your mouth.

"Proud? Of course we're proud, sweetheart. Why wouldn't we be?" Bucky questioned, brining you in for a hug.

"I don't know." You shrugged, "I just thought since this is a thing you guys retired from it wouldn't be acceptable to do anymore. Especially from your daughter." You answered, lowly.

"Princess." Bucky cooed.

Steve came around and made your hug a little group hug, resting his head on top of yours.

"Just because we don't do it right now dosen't mean we aren't proud. We're more than proud, even more so since you came back untouched. That means we taught you well."

You chuckled and pulled away, smiling up at them, "Thanks, Dad. Papa."

"No problem, darling. Now get something to eat and rest, you got chores tomorrow." Bucky smirked, walking away.

"Chores?!" You shouted, throwing your hands up as you watched them walk away, "Come on! I just practically saved the world!"

"Uh huh!" Steve shouted back, closing their bedroom door.

You scoffed out a laugh, shaking your head.

"Wow. The unbelievable luck I have."

James Buchanan Barnes Imagines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें