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"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, Steve we're not in the 40s anymore." Bucky sighed, regretting ever saying yes to this idea.

"She's all we got right now, Buck. H.Y.D.R.A took the Tower, the Compund, and half the team prisoner. If we can get her out, she can help us. Maybe." Steve replied, gripping the inside of his shield tighter.

"Steve." Bucky argued, "What if she dosen't remember me? What if she escapes? Gets scared and runs off? Steve, this is a bad idea."

Steve sighed as they reached an emptied facility. H.Y.D.R.As empty facility. He opened the doors and both Super Soldiers stepped inside, their guards up and senses on 100. They finally made it to the last door, a door Bucky knew all to well. With one kick, the doors flew open and off it's hinges landing in a far away corner. There you were. Cryo 257. The next Winter Soldier. Before Steve opened it, he saw files laying on a near by table. Something drew him twords it, his feet following the magnetic pull.

"Steve!" Bucky whispered shouted, "The hell are you doing? We have to get her out of here, remember? This was your plan!"

"Shut up and come here." Steve huffed, his fingers rapidly scanning through the papers.

Bucky came over and Steve handed him a file. Hesitantly, Bucky took it and flipped through the pages, his eyes getting wider and wider within every few seconds. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, frustrated that he didn't know about this sooner.

"She's.....she's another Winter Soldier." Steve mumbled, "Which means she already has the serum in her system."

"I know." Bucky growled, "I didn't think they'd turn her into one! Shit, I didn't even know it was this base! I told you this was a bad idea!"

"Stop panicking, maybe they were preparing to turn her into one. Right? I mean think about it, before you became the Winter Soldier you were in cryo first right?" Steve brainstormed.

"Uh, yeah. Yes, for the first few months. Why? You think that's what's happening?" Bucky questioned.


"But how? We haven't seen her since the 40s. Which means she's been in their hands as long as I have been, maybe longer!" Bucky shouted, his jaw clenching.

"Right." Steve sighed, "For right now, let's get her out of there. We'll ask questions after saving everyone."

Bucky sighed, a deep gut feeling telling him to brace himself. He knew something was going to happen, either she won't remember them or go full Winter Soldier on them but, he prepared himself. For anything. Steve took a deep breath before opening the Cryo door. Loads of cold fog left the tube that revealed you. Everything was frozen from top to bottom, including your hair. A breathing mask was on your face but your chest neither rose or fell. Bucky felt all kinds of emotions. His best girl was alive, but she was used, in H.Y.D.R.As hands, but they found her and have her again. You looked just as beautiful as you did all those years ago, your hair was only shorter. Shoulder length like Bucky's. He felt his heart beat faster at the sight of you, you made butterflies erupt in his stomach anytime you were around, or if he just heard your voice. Once out of his trance, he saw Steve with his hands raised, shield in the air. He put a hand on Steve's chest before he had the chance to do damage to anything.

"What?" Steve blurted.

"Stop. One wrong move and that's her life." He mumbled back, eyes fixed on you, "Let me do it."

Steve shrugged, stepping back, "Fine. I'll look around and see if there's anything that'll get us to the Tower."

Bucky gave a quick nod and watched Steve before he turned back to you. He stepped up to your level and gave a soft smile as he saw you up close. You started to slowly melt, he saw this. Before you completely defrosted, he unhooked the mask from your face along with many other straps. Including the alarm that would've went off if you've cousuiosly woke up and busted out. He picked you up bridal style and set you onto a near by table, he waited a bit for you to defrost more. Soon enough, you fluttered your eyes closed and open again. You felt like a popsicle that was stuck out in the heat, a shuttered chill ran down your spine as you slowly stood to your feet. Your knees were a bit weak but you kept balance. Your head started to spin, like the room around you was moving faster than you thought. A pair of hands were placed on your shoulders making you jump. You fell to the floor and hit your head, mumbling curse words under your breath as you curled up in a ball.

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