"Again?" (Pt. 3)

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You slipped back into the abandoned building and sat your bag down. A sigh left your lips as you slipped through a crack and into a small room. You've been out running the government for a couple weeks now, stealing here and there, and trying to find a safe place where they won't suspect you. So far, the abandoned building you found somewhat and surprisingly in a quiet part of New York a couple days ago was holding you up pretty well. You had a fast route back to the building in case you got found and chased down again. The sound of a helicopter came through and you hid in the shadows of the building, the light searching through the dark rooms. When they finally turned back, you stepped out the small room and trailed back to your bag. Pulling out a walkie-talkie you stole, you started finding the channel and sat down listening to their update.

"Dead end. She must've went left."

"Check through the building?"

"No. It could be a set up, boobytraped, a set bomb, anything to get us killed. Even if she isn't she could still be in the city. We'll try the building tomorrow when we get more information, over and out."

The channel cut out and you sat back, frustrated that you'd have to find another place to be. Standing up, you stashed the walkie-talkie in your bag and jumped from the window. Rolling the second you hit the ground and hid behind a tree. Far from the building. You pressed the button on the little remote in your hand and covered your ears, the blow sent a gush of wind through the trees. Leaves falling to the ground, the building up in flames, and your feet carrying you away from the scene and into the streets of New York. People gasped, screamed, and panicked through the streets, rushing anyone who was slow. You blended in with part of that chaos until you reached an alleyway. You stayed low there for a little, hidden in the shadows of the dim walls. When all was clear, you were about to bolt until something brushed up against your leg. The jingle of bells catching your attention as well. You looked down to your side seeing a tiny, fluffy cat. It's was an all white Lynx cat, you slowly picked it up and took a look for it's tags.

"You're a stray, huh?" You mumbled, lightly scratching behind its ears, "And a girl. What are you doing out here all alone, huh?"

A soft pur left her and you smiled. She traveled farther up your shirt until she rested on your chest, you still scratched behind her ear seeming as though that was her favorite spot.

"I guess we're both lost." You smile, "I'm going to keep you. But, you'll have to hide in here for the time being."

She meowed in response as you gently kneeled to the floor and put her in your backpack, leaving the zipper open some so she has air. You searched through your pockets and found a granola bar, breaking it into peices and giving it too her.

"It'll have to hold you over until I get more so eat wisely." You spoke, putting your backpack on your back.

You started climbing the walls, making the ride as smoothly as you could for the cat in your bag. You reached the top and started running, checking on the cat every now and then. Eventually, you found an empty abandoned place down the street and to your luck, you saw how the FBI, Police, and S.W.A.T came looking through here. As dumb as they seem to you, they wouldn't look in the same place again for a while. You climbed in through the window and sat down your bag, gently taking out the Snow white cat and letting her roam. To your surprise, she stayed right near you, chewing on the last of the granola bar as you pet her head.

"What am I gonna name you?" You asked yourself, ".....Snow? Tubs? Shadow? Sneaky?"

She only looked at you like you were crazy. You let a light laugh pass you as you sit down in a corner, only for her to follow you and lay between your legs. Her head resting near your foot. You decided to call it a day as you watch the city go by. Nighttime in the city was always your favorite, how the lights would make the city look better, or how much more busy it would get, or even how you'd just feel much more calm at night then in the day. The cats ears perked up, yours did as well. You heard the footsteps come closer and closer, the cat stood up and hissed at the door. Her fur and tail standing up. You quickly stood up and hid by the door, your gun in your hand, ready and fully loaded. You realized your cat had nowhere to hide, in the blink of an eye she was back in your bag in a dark corner and you were back in your spot. The door swung open and you came from out your spot and grabbed the persons collar shooting them dead center of their head. When they hit the floor, you saw the logo and cursed under your breath.

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