Dead tracks

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Warning: Cussing....I think

Word count: 2632


He was taken.

You don't know how, you just know he did. And from the looks of the living room, he was struggling. You bent down and touched the dirt that was smudged on the carpet. You took it between your fingers and rubbed them together, humming in response. You stood up and put your hands on your hips, your eyes closed.

"He was definitely struggling." You stated opening your eyes.

"For what?" Steve asked, "How was he struggling and no one came in here? We saw the footage, he was sitting on the couch then everything went blank."

"Which is exactly what they wanted you to think. And we fell for it." You huffed turning twords him.

"Fell for what? Who's they?" Tony grumbled.

You sighed, "H.Y.D.R.A. They took Bucky, replaced the tape and wiped the footage with a fake photo. For what we know right now, Bucky is in trouble. He should be in a base or something by now."

"Okay. Let's search for a base." Wanda interjected.

"Use the street cameras, they may have messed with ours but they can't mess with ones in public." You warned.

Wanda, Tony, and Nat nodded in unison and headed twords the meeting room. You balled your hands into fists and gritted your teeth. You may seem calm and you were able to figure out what happened, but on the inside you were screaming. Bucky didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve to be treated like this, to be used like this. But you knew, one day, he'd be free from all of it. But right now, your job was to focus on finding him before he was killed.

"How are you so calm about this?" Steve spoke, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You looked at the floor, "Если только вы знали." (If only you knew.)

He sighed knowing that what you said had to be bad and took your hand leading you down twords the QinJet. Tony and the rest had found Buckys location and tapped into their security system. Nat handed you the last recent photo of Bucky and put a hand on your shoulder, without saying a word, you knew exactly what she meant. She walked away and went back to the Tower incase of Backup. You took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for what your eyes were about to land on. The screen lit up and you looked down, you felt tears prick your eyes already. You saw him. Tied to a chair, blood on the side of his face, his eyes bloodshot, his hair sticking to his forehead, and a gun aimed at his temple. You were sure there was more to his figure than what wa son the screen, but it was enough to get your blood boiling. The tablet cracked under your pressure, the glass cutting your thumb, and your teeth pressed together. You weren't showing mercy. As soon as you guys would land, you're first. You didn't care if you'd get hurt or not.

You just want to see Bucky alive.

                             * * *

"Okay, I don't know how many guards there are, but I know it's a lot." Steve started, "They wouldn't be hiding their Soldier without protection for themselves."

"Right. Which means-"

"We know what it means. I don't care." You huffed cutting Tony off and heading down out the Jet.

Steve was about to reach out to you when Wanda put a hand on his shoulder and shook her head. She knew what kind of pain you were in, and she knew it was a kind that you can't fix without blood on your hands. Steve nodded and followed suit, soon enough everyone was behind you. You pressed your body against the concrete holding your gun to your side, you nodded for Steve to go. He nodded back and kicked the doors down, in one swift movement you were right behind him aiming your gun infront of you. When the doors fell, there was nothing but silence and dust that led into an empty and dark hallway. You lowered your gun and looked at Steve.

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