The question

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I'm backkkkkkk (from being grounded. Parents these days, they'll do anything to get you some discipline🤚🙄)


Requested by, anniebellchase.

(B.Y.R, I want you too know that this was actually the first major feelings piece I've written throughout this whole book and I'm actually proud of it. Major cringe in the beginning. Enjoy!!!)

You ran through the sand. Your speed picking up and your feet carrying you faster. Bucky came from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and tumbling to the sandy floor. Giggling, you fought to get out his grip. It wasn't going to be that easy though, his grip was strong and by the sound of pure silence he wasn't struggling. Your body went limp and you turned into a laughing fit, Bucky joining in.

"Come on! Let me go!" You giggled, fighting once more to get out, "Please?"

He chuckled holding you closer, "No."

You pout and cross your arms over your chest. Bucky sighs and turns you over, still on his back, he holds you up by your waist. You move your head from infront of his vision and into the crook of his neck, forcing the smile from your face.

"Your mean." You spoke.

"Why am I mean, doll?" Bucky asked, pecking the side of your neck.

"You won't let me go." You answer, digging further into his neck.

He chuckled and sat up, your legs hooked around his waist as he gently lifted you up with him.

"I'll let you go, if you answer my question." He grinned.

You pull from his neck and purse your lips in thought. Nodding in agreement, you place your feet in the sand and sit criss cross. Bucky bent down and placed his hand gently over your eyes, shielding you from seeing. You smile and rock a bit, waiting. In that moment of waiting, Bucky had to gather up all his courage to ask this question. He pulled out the black velvet box and fumbled with it before taking a deep breath. He knew you had zoned out by how still you were, he took his hand away from your face and you blinked a couple times before getting back to reality.

"Okay." He took a deep breath, "I know my reputation is really....really bad and I know you don't care about it, but I want to let you know that I'll never hurt you. You know I love you with all my heart, and that I adore you, and it makes me want you more knowing that you love me too. Even with my arm. And I told myself that when I do this it would be out of pure love, I had to know for sure that I really wanted this, and I do. Funny enough, if you say yes you'd be saying those words too. One day, when we have kids, hopefully, I swear to you I'll be the best father ever. I'll help you anyway I can and I'll be there for you everytime. I promise." Bucky adjusts his position and gets on one knee, pulling out the Black velvet box, "Which comes down to my final question. Will you marry me?"

The word you wanted to say couldn't come out just yet. You choked back tears and covered your mouth with your hand. Your throat closed up, you knew as soon as you tried to speak all that would come out was a sob. So instead, you nodded your head. Fast. Bucky chuckled and took the ring out the box.

"It's a yes!" He practically squealed like a little girl, as he slipped the ring on your finger.

You threw your hands around him and began to cry. He held you close and fell to the floor again, caressing your back. You eventually calmed down and just rested your head on his chest, looking at the ring. You could tell Bucky was just as happy ad you were from his nonstop giggling.

"You're a dork." You mumbled, bringing your arm back up around his neck, "But you're my dork, and I love you for it."

He smiled widely and kissed your shoulder then the sid either your head. Soon, bringing you in for a longing kiss. He pulled away, his lips in a tight smile showing his perfect teeth, and his eyes never leaving yours.

"You're my fiancé." He said, almost in an unbelievable tone, "My entire life, I never thought I'd get married. Especially not to someone as perfect as you. But, you showed me different. My doll, my angel, my light, my fiancé, and my soon to be wife. You're everything that I need."

You were brought to tears again and hid in the crook of his neck, "I really do love you, James. With all my heart, forever."

"I love you too, Y/n."

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