Jumped through time (Pt.3)

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2nd to last part.

Finding a spot for camp was difficult. It took a while before you guys were out of the snowy forest and into- oddly- grass. It was a whole different set. Sunny, green grass, trees with leaves, and no sign of weird hunters with Snipers. It was freaking you out a little bit that the scenery kept changing but, you had to stay strong. At least until this was all over.

You and Nat built something similar to a tree house but not quite. Since you both used to work of Tony, your skills in building are pretty high. Steve and Bucky went out in search for dinner, rabbit, berries, didn't matter at this point. You guys were just hungry. While you two waited for the guys to come back, you laid on your back in the "Tree house" and looked up at the trees. How they blocked the sun a little but there were still rays of sunshine coming through. Illuminating a silver lining between each tree.

"Hey," Nat whispered looking up with you, "Do you think we'll ever get home?"

You sighed, "I'm not sure at this point. But we can't stop. We have to get home, no matter how long it takes us."

She nodded. You can tell everyone is a bit worried or full on terrified of traveling between time lines and places, but you're still sane. You have to be. You can't help but feel like you're missing something in this whole adventure.

Hearing the footsteps of the guys, Nat climbed down the tree meeting them halfway. After a while, Bucky took Nats place and sat next to you. Steve and Nat had their own "Tree house", she felt is was only fair incase Bucky had a nightmare or got scared again.

"Hey doll, aren't you going to eat?" Bucky asked, calmly.

"Not hungry, thanks." You replied as you sat up, "Do you feel like we're missing something?"

His face showed nothing but confusion as his eyebrows knitted together, "Missing what?"

"Like....all these time jumps- there's something we're not seeing. It's bothering me that I can't figure it out, but I know it's there." You mumbled more to yourself than to him.

Being the cute bear he is, he crawled on all fours and sat you in between his legs, wrapping his arms around your torso. He leanded over and nuzzled his nose in your hair, kissing the side of your neck.

"Whatever it is, we'll figure it out. But right now, you need rest. You've been working harder than any of us." He cooed.

"Not true. It was equal effort." You yawned leaning back so your head was on his shoulder.

He looked down at you with a sad smile. He was really worried about you, if you pushed to hard you'd go crazy yourself. You wouldn't be sane, it would be like you were on steroids, fixing and thinking about everything. You closed your eyes and shifted so you laid on his chest, his fingers raking through your hair. You felt this barrier of protection, like nothing could hurt you.


What barrier?

You fell asleep in his arms. A feeling you've missed since this whole thing started. Bucky was up the whole time, scared of getting nightmares but protecting you at the same time. An unfamiliar place had his nerves and senses on 100.

                               * * *

"Okay. This is out last chance, our last....hope at getting them back." Tony mumbled with a hopeful sigh, "Don't fuck it up."

"I won't, I won't." Clint reassured.

Tony pressed the button on the holographic screen and sent Clint through the same portal Strange opened. Tony, figured out a way to get the portal back online. Since Strange knew the spell he had to convenience him to open it up again. After 4 tries, Strange was able to open it. Clints job was to find you guys and get back. But no one knew how the coming back part would go.

He jumped in the portal, only to be bounced back into a wall. Tony groaned and slammed his hands on the table almost breaking it.

"Shit!" Tony huffed.

"We can find another way, Tony. We can-"

"No! We can't!" He cut Strange off, "Theres no other way okay?! I've went through each and every idea. Nothing! It's like there's a barrier, blocking our way in and their way-"


"Holy shit." He mumbled going back over to his desk.

"What?" Sam asked walking over to them.

"I can help them back." He laughed, "But they need to know exactly what their doing. Or else it won't work."

"What won't work?" Bruce interjected.

"If I can hold open the portal with enough negative energy- I can get them through. But, they have to know what their doing."

"Let's hope they do."

                                 * * *

Your head shot up and in one movement, you were on your feet. You startled Bucky but you grabbed his hand maneuvering over to Steve and Nats tree.

"What's going on, doll?!" Bucky asked hoping from branch to branch.

You stopped mid track and turned to him, "I know how to get home."

With a look of shock, you pulled Bucky once more. Getting to the other tree, you shook Nat awake. She stirred in her sleep and rubbed her eyes looking up at you with a pissed expression.

"I know how to get home. Up! Come on!" You shouted climbing a bigger tree.

Reaching the top, the four of you saw the portal again. Everyone had no idea what you were talking about but you knew this would work. It has too.

"What's going on?" Steve asked.

"The portal. Theres a barrier around it, that's why everytime we jumped, it was random. I know that if we push past the barrier and time it, we'd be back home. The only thing it has to provide is enough energy to keep it open." You answered fixing your gaze on the on coming portal, "I don't know where we'd get it from though."

"So, basically- we get home by braking through the barrier. Cool. But uh, how?" Nat asked raising her index finger.

"Just....trust me." You responded with a hopeful sigh.

Taking a deep breath, everyone followed you from tree to tree. Hopping and bouncing off of branches until you reached it. You all jumped in, inside the portal were rainbow colored lights. You never took the time to look at it since you all were screaming for your life, and you realized what it was. The Bifrost. Taking Buckys hand, he took Steve's shoulder, and Steve took Nats hand. For a split second, everything was in slow motion. Like some movie.

Barrier. Bifrost. Home. You thought to yourself, I have to fix it. I'm sorry my love, but coming home will have to wait for me.

You blew out a shaky breath looking down at Bucky. He knew that look, he was scared of that look. Before he could say anything you pushed past the barrier and let his hand go. Knowing they'd get home, you gave a soft smile then began to hang on outside the Bifrost. Bucky screamed for you, yelling for you to fall. But you shook your head as you watched them fall between galaxies and out of sight. Getting back in the Bifrost, you waited until it was your time to push past again. And you did just that, making it to the other side of it.

On Asgard.

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