It wasn't me Pt.3

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Yall already know the drill. Leave if it triggers you. Thank you guys for being excited about this series lol. Didn't expect it to be this good for you guys so, Thank you. Anyways, on with the story!

Warning: Voices, mentions of Cutting, and Cussing.

Word count: 2000+


Arriving at the new Compound, you all stepped out the QinJet like it was just another normal day. You and Nat started chatting, Bucky and Steve were still worried but chatted as well, Bruce and Tony were working on a serum that helped you, and everyone else was doing their own thing. Tony stopped infront of you all and cleared his throat gathering your attention.

"Okay! This is our new home, don't break anything, don't touch anything, just don't sit on anything." He listed.

"Then this isn't home." Nat rolled her eyes, "It's a museum. Of you. That no one would pay to go to."

"Ouch." Tony replied putting his hand over his heart, "Take a joke Widow. But seriously, don't break anything."

Clint raised his hand.

"Yes Clint, there are vents." Tony answered huffing and rolling his eyes.

Clint smiled and put his hand down as you all made your way to the front doors of your new home. You didn't step inside with the rest, instead you stated outside in the sun. Letting something truly peaceful hit your skin having you melt into a relaxing state. A light sigh leaving your lips as looked up at the sun, how it blazed it's light on the world. But, that peace was soon replaced with annoyance as you were interrupted again.

I am not to be feared.

You scoffed, "Then how'd you get in me? Why do you want me to get rid of my friends?"

I was always in you. Late bloom. Your friends are to be protected, not harmed. Not needed.

"I-....Late bloom? The hell?" You mumbled very confused.

You cannot get rid of me. Not needed.

"Can you stop saying that!" You shouted, "What does that even mean?!"

Not needed.

You stomped your foot in anger like a kid and huffed turning on your heel heading back to the Compund doors. When you stepped inside, you were amazed at how much bigger the place was than you expected. Tony really did go all out this time, each floor was huge. You scavenged every inch of the place in pure amazement, smile after smile plastered on your face as you came across a computer. It has the sheild Logo as the sign in page. You walked over it and ran your fingers across the keys, a light shock coming from them.


You creased your eyebrows. Password. Was this part of the plan? He wanted you to put the password in it? You thought it over for a moment when you decided not to go against it and typed in the password that was on your arm. It opened up. Your eyes widened and without thinking you began searching, for what- you didn't know. It was just you clicking buttons and your eyes scanning faster than a normal human should. You didn't even hear Bucky come in after searching for you, he was talking but you were so far ahead in your own mind you didn't notice. He took over certain parts of your body before you jumped and fell out of the chair. Bucky jumped back but looked concerned right after.

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