I messed up

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"Can she stay here?"



Bucky sighed shaking his head and started walking out the door, you shot up out your seat and followed him. You grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, he wasn't one to get pissed off so easily but when he saw you his face softened a bit.

"You're going to leave me?! Seriously?!" You shouted pushing him back, "Y-you're going to leave me with...them? What happened to sticking together? I thought....we'd leave this behind? I thought we'd do our own thing, go out and....leave. All of this! You lied to me! You fucking lied to my face for 2 years!"

He clenched his Jaw and took in a deep breath turning to leave again. You watched him, you watched him not say a word and walk away. You groaned in frustration and punched a hole in the wall fast pacing to the front doors. You couldn't do it anymore. For 2 years and 8 months he lied straight to your face. The same bullshit you get everytime, and fell for it. "Till the end of the line.". You believed him, everytime and every lie that came out his mouth. He took you in after he rescued you, gave you a somewhat good home, and protected you from anything. 2 years and 8 months he kept you safe, in Bucharest, and now as soon as he gets caught he gives you up like nothing. You were about to walk right through the door when the blonde, known as Steve, grabbed your arm and you twisted it having him let go.

"Get off me!" You shouted pushing him back, "Don't fucking touch me! I don't know you!"

"I know, alright. Lose the attitude." He groaned rubbing his hand, "I know you must feel some type of way, okay? But this is the right thing to do. Trust me."

"Trust you?! I don't know you! You don't know anything about me, you don't know how feel, and you definitely don't know what's right or not. Just back off." You mumbled walking away.

He reached for you and grabbed your elbow, "Listen-"

You grabbed his wrist and turned your body kneeing him in his abdomen, you then grabbed his head with both your hands and brought it down to your knee sending him stumbling on his butt. You dusted off your jacket and headed for the door, officially walking out of the building. You grabbed your motorcycle and left, you can't stay there. You're not staying there.


Steve groaned forcing himself off the floor. His stomach and head hurting like hell. Nat came in from her walk and immediately saw Steve, she helped him steady himself and then let go.

"The hell happened to you? And where's Y/n going?" She asked getting an ice pack from the freezer, "Does Barnes know?"

"No." Steve wheezed, "He dosen't. He just got out of containment, he wants what's best for her but she dosen't see that. She left. And beat me up in the process."

Nat sighed and placed the ice pack where his hand was. He hissed at the feeling and turned twords Buckys room, he sighed knowing where this was going and wasn't at all excited. Nat followed his eyesight and raised her eyebrows tilting her head.

"You know he's not going to take this lightly, right? I mean, he's already packing up his stuff, he's leaving." She huffed.

"I know. But he needs to know. I can't leave him out in the open like that, I can't."

"Okay, well, I know I can't change your mind so, good luck."

He nodded hugging his friend and removed the ice pack walking twords Bucky's room. He knocked on the door awaiting his answer and like always, he unlocked his door and let's him in without question. Bucky goes back to packing but stops after a few seconds, his back to Steve.

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