Forest sleep

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I JUST WANTED TO THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE FUCKING LOVE ON THIS APP. Yall don't understand the stress I go through irl so coming on here and being with you guys and my comfort character help me a lot. You don't even know. But thank you, seriously, I love you all.

Part 2 of "Our Child" was requested and I shall deliver. Anyways, on with the story!

"So, you're absolutely sure you'll be okay without me?" (Y/S/N) asked, furrowing their brows as they looked to you.

You sighed, for the millionth time that day, "Yes, (Y/S/N). I'll be fine, I'm just going to mums house since she's out the country. I told her I'd watch the house for her since you wouldn't do it."

They roll their eyes at you, watching you grab your house keys and phone, "I did not say no! She told me you beaten me to it, besides...I wouldn't do it."

You laugh as you open the door, "Yeah, we knew. Bye, Sis/Brother."

"Bye." They smile, "Call me when you get there!"

"Will do!"


You arrived to your mom's house, taking out your keys and opening the door. You were pushed past the vines that grew about the doorstep as you stepped in, putting your jacket on the hook as you walked to the kitchen. Your mother always wanted to live in the woods, so when she decided to live an hour or two away from you in New York, you knew she found the perfect spot. And she did, she found herself a little light wooden cabin in the middle of the forest, flowers and trees surrounding her home. At first, you were worried if a bear or something would come for her and her home but after hours of telling you they wouldn't, your mother convinced you she'd be fine. Although she didn't need your permission to do so anyways.

As you cleaned off the counters, you heard a faint ticking in the background. It started off slow, then it got faster, your eyes widened as you hurried out the house. The bomb went off just as you took cover far from the house behind a tree, the gust of wind blew your hair infront of your face, your eyes squeezed shut. Slowly, you peaked from behind the tree to find your mother's house in complete ruins, everything was blown apart and there was a small fire near the center of the rubble. You hadn't noticed you were crying until the first tear dropped on your cheek, you quickly wiped them away with the back off your hand and stepped twords the burned down wood. A glimmer of silver caught your eye in two places, the first shine was near a tree and the other was in the ruins beneath your feet. You bent down and swiped your hand through the ashes of your mother's house, finding her silver necklace under a metal shard. Your fingers grazed over the necklace before you picked it up and hooked it around your neck. You realized your phone got caught in the bombing and was most likely destroyed, you sighed, walking away from the house and headed back down the forest.

You didn't even get two steps in before a cold hand grabbed yoru arm and pulled you back, covering your mouth with his other hand. Your screams were muffled by his muscular hand, tears streamed down your face by now. The adrenaline in you started pumping faster, your body unable to stop moving as the figure dragged you back to his chest.

"Stop moving." He ordered, his voice thick with demand.

You immediately obeyed, ceasing your squirming but you didn't stop trying to scream, and the tears never stopped flowing.

"It's okay, I'm not going to do anything. But I have to protect you from now on, their after you too. Just....stop struggling, please." He whispered, his hand on your mouth loosing.

James Buchanan Barnes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now