Don't Save me

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They were all around you. One had cuffed you and pinned you to the floor as another kicked your face over and over again having you spit out blood and your mouth drop little drops on the floor. Your teeth were covered in blood as someone came through the door.

"Enjoying the show?" Peirce asked.

You could hear the amusement in his throat. The throat you wanted to slit so bad.

They had Bucky tied in a chair sitting infron of you. He could look away but he could still hear the grunts as you tried not to scream in pain. They had him strapped down on the metal chair as his tried to break out but couldn't. He was scared, terrified even. He didn't want to lose you. Not his doll. Not you.

God, please not you.

"Let me go! Take me!" Bucky yelled back as worriedness took over his voice.

"Pick her up."

The agents grabbed you by your hands that were cuffed behind your back and stood you up. Your hair was in your face as Peirce moved a strand as you jerked away from his touch.

"Don't touch me." You spat as blood dripped on your shirt.

He chuckled as he right crossed you right in the Jaw causing your head to snap twords the right. You coughed and spit up more blood as you looked back at him. He smirked and looked back at Bucky.

"It's your fault she left. Now, as punishment you'll watch her die." He said as he left the room rubbing his knuckles.

"Do what you must. Have fun. I want her dead by 1am."

With that, one held onto you as the others beat the living shit out of you. Your tried kicking your way out but it wasn't working. They punched, kicked, and drew a knife into your torso as Bucky was screaming bloody murder the whole time. They all backed away as Rumlow showed up. He stood infront of you as he chuckled and backed up eyeing the knife.

"I see their having fun hm?"

You spit in his face in response as he growled and kicked the knife deeper in your stomach. You screamed in pain and fell to your knees.

"STOP!!!" Bucky screamed, tears running down his face.

"Why?" Rumlow asked putting a gun to your head.

"Please..." His voice cracked.

"H.Y.D.R.A doesn't have survivors. Neither does S.H.E.I.L.D. I'll give you 10 minutes before I come and kill her." Rumlow responded as he out the gun back in his holster.

They hooked you to a poll as they followed Rumlow out the room. You were breathing heavy as blood spilled from your stomach. The knife was the only thing holding you up right now, no matter how much the fire was burning in your lungs.

"I- I'm sorry...I can't b-break free! I'm gonna get you out of here I swear! We'll both walk away and go back to the way things were. We'll prank Steve and piss off Tony!" Bucky sobbed.

You gave a sad small laugh as you sighed closing your eyes and throwing your head back on the poll.

"I'm not making it out of here alive Buck. I'm not..." You whispered through the pain.

"Yes you will!" He shot back.

You looked at him and gave a sad look as your nerves kicked in and you shivered. Breathing heavy you looked at him as his eyes were full of desperation and then at the knife lodged into your stomach.

"Don't save me. Live your life, find someone else. It hurts that I have to leave you this way but you have to happy...please don't shut yourself out. Please."

"I don't want anyone else! I WANT YOU!! I don't want to miss the days where I'd wake up and you'd be right there sleep! I don't want to miss the days where you'd go off and prank Steve by scaring the living shit out of him!" Bucky begged.

"Yeah. I remember when he screamed 'Holy America!'" You said chuckling.

"I don't want to miss that." Bucky said changing the subject.

"I don't want to either. God I don't want to leave you. But I'm not leaving alive Bucky, I violated the rules when I chose to leave with you. I knew the consequences when I was with all of you, and you were all worth it." You said smiling as Rumlow came back.

" no no no!" Bucky shouted as Rumlow aimed his gun at your head.

"Have a nice conversation?" He asked you.

"Go to hell."

"You first." He responded putting his finger on the trigger.

"STOP!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Bucky threatened.

"Don't save me...please." You whispered to Bucky.

His face fell. You saw in his eyes how bad he didn't want you to go. He struggled to get out, sobs left his lips as he realized he couldn't.

"You can't leave me..." He broke down.

Tears left your eyes as you took a deep breath to hold back the sob threatening to escape your throat. Your tears mixed with the blood on your face as Rumlow rolled his eyes.

"I love you beyond your understanding." You smiled at Bucky.

"I- you too..." He managed to get out.

Rumlow shot you right in the forehead as Bucky let out a blood curling scream. He hung his head low as he squeezed his eyes shut and his hair covered his face. Your head hung low as one last tear left your eye and fell to the floor.

"Well, that's that. Get him out of here." Rumlow ordered.

The agents took him and cuffed his hands and loaded him on a plane. They sat him down and Bucky didn't say a word. He didn't even want to breath.

"Welcome to the Plane of Desperation. Hope you do well in a deserted Island." An agent laughed as he left the plane.

No one was on the plane except the pilot. Bucky broke down completely yelling from you to come back. He didn't care that he'd be on his own in the middle of no where, he wanted you back. Now. But he knew it wasn't going to happen. Not now. Not ever.

"C-come back...p-please. COME BACK!!!"

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