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Since Pt.2 of Lights out is still in progress, enjoy dis one :)

(Pt.2 of Lights out will be out today)

Anyways, Enjoy!!!

You banged on the door. Punching and punching until it would open. It didn't. You didn't stop though, you continued to work at the metal door, your knuckles bleeding and brusing. You stopped for a second, pulling yourself back from the door. Only for the echo of the impact to be replaced by your cries and screams muffled by the endless rubble ontop of the room. The Tower was bombed, you don't know if anyone was alive. You didn't know if Sam was alive, Tony was alive, Scott, Peter, Bruce, Thor, Morgan, Bucky, any of them. You had no idea.

"OPEN THE DOOR." You shouted, your throat almost closing on you, "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR ASSHATS."

You prayed this was a prank, a dream, a hallucination, hell you'd even take that you're on drugs. You didn't want this to be real. You struggled to breathe, and stumbled back on your feet hitting the wall. Panic and fear setting into your system. You've never been so broken and vulnerable before, you were always happy throughout the day and serious during missions. No ones ever seen you cry before. And for you to be by yourself, it made it harder on yourself. You begged for the doors to open and everyone stand there okay, smiling, like it's another normal day.

"JUST-" Your breath hitched, "Just-.....please."

You curled up in a ball on the floor. Shaking violently and sobbing, tears hitting the cold floor. You needed someone to hear you, to break you free, you needed to know you were safe, that you weren't going to be stuck in a box forever. You started hyperventilating, anger boiling in your system. Whoever did this was going to catch hell, you were going to get out of that box. And when you did, you're going to show absolutely no mercy. You ripped yourself from your thoughts and shot up, you refused to accept this. You screamed in all kinds of emotions and went back to punching the door, slight dents were made with each hit. You refused to believe you'd be stuck in here, each punch you made only caused another tear to fall. Your cries bouncing off the walls and right back into your ears.


Your punches slowed to a stop. Your bones aching to stop moving, your knees buckled and you hit the floor. Hitting your head as well. You quietly sobbed, finally accepting that no one was coming. No one heard you. You turned so your back faced the door, you covered your mouth with your hand, the tears and cries never stopped- only softened. Your ears picked up on rubble moving, the little room shook but you were to weak to move. Your throat sore from screaming, you couldn't call out. The top of the box ripped open, a cry escaping the persons mouth. You felt the sunlight beam down on you, you looked up and saw Bucky. Tears in his eyes as he found you, he threw the roof somewhere and jumped down to the floor. Kneeling beside you, he turned you over and hugged you. He couldn't find you for hours, the entire 4 acres of land covered in rocks and pavement. He saw how dehydrated you were, tear stained cheeks, bleeding knuckles. A light cry escaped his throat.

"Bucky...." You gripped the back of his shirt.

"I'm here. Don't worry." He spoke, trying his hardest not to have his voice crack, "I found you. Don't worry, doll."

"I thought you-"

"I'm not. I promise." He cut you off, reassuringly.

"Buck! Bucky!" A voice yelled.

Bucky stood up, his arms still tightly wrapped around you and your legs around his waist. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, tears still flowing as you sniffled.

"Steve!" Bucky called, "Hold on, doll. Tight."

You nodded, doing as he said. He climbed the wall and ontop of the rubble. You faced the city, all you could see was a few buildings and lots of smoke. Your vision going immediately blurry, you buried your face again. Bucky wrapped his arms around you once more, jumping from rock to rock. Eventually getting back to everyone else, you mentally sighed in relief seeing them before you were laid on a cot. You freaked out. After being trapped in a panic room for 6 hours, no one blamed you.

"Doll. Doll, you're okay." Bucky cooed, his hands finding your face.

"No. No, I'm not. I don't want too-" You breathed.

"I know, but I have to know you're physically okay. It's okay." He mumbled, as Bruce came over placing an IV in your arm.

"Please don't leave." Your voice cracked.

He grabbed your hand and placed your palm on his lips, lightly kissing it before he placed it on his cheek. Both your eyes glossy with tears, you felt the knock out gas already take place. Before you closed your eyes, you saw a small smile appear on his face. He bent down and kissed your forehead, top of your nose, and then your lips before sitting down next to you.


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